People sitting around tables at conference
We have events both virtually and in-person, at several locations in Nebraska and Iowa. Check out the latest below.

Upcoming Events

From small business trainings to beginning farmer learning circles to town hall events with lawmakers and more, we strive to connect you with resources and peers across rural communities.

Prepárate con las herramientas adecuadas para iniciar un negocio en la industria de la limpieza. En esta academia conocerás las mejores practicas de la industria y descubrirás todo sobre la contratación gubernamental y sus regulaciones.
  • Lending
Si has considerado comenzar un negocio de transporte o si ya tienes un negocio existente, necesitas más orientación, aprende más sobre la industria del transporte y lo que implica en nuestra Academia de Transporte.
  • Lending
Si estas en busca de aprender como iniciar un negocio de una operación caprina, no te pierdas esta serie. Aprenderás acerca de la reproducción y gestación de una cabra y podrás participar en persona en una granja y ver una operación de distintas cabras.
  • Farm and Food
If you are looking to improve the way your organization or business communicates with non-English-speaking audiences, this training will help you learn about the resources available to help you to eliminate the language and cultural barriers. Si estas buscando mejorar la forma en que tu organización o negocio se comunica con audiencias que no hablan inglés, esta capacitación te ayudará a conocer los recursos disponibles para ayudarte a eliminar las barreras del idioma y culturales.
  • Small Towns
If you are a military vet and are interested in agriculture, join this 11-session series where you will learn about different types of farm stores through agrotourism. You will hear from experienced farmers and farm leaders about the ins and outs of a farm store and challenges they have faced.
  • Farm and Food
If you are a producer interested in expanding your business and products to wholesale, retail, or restaurant markets, don't miss out on the MarketReady Advanced Topic Webinar series that will help you navigate insurance options, marketing, and how to properly package and label your products.
  • Farm and Food
If you want to start a business or expand but don't know where to begin, you can start by meeting a variety of agency experts and learnabout the resources that are available to you.
  • Lending