Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

This report documents the current state of the food system on the Santee Sioux Reservation in Nebraska and identifies strategies and areas of consideration to enable the Santee Sioux people and their neighbors to move toward realizing self-reliance of their food system. In November 2015, in...
  • Small Towns
This edition of our newsletter focuses on STEWARDSHIP of the natural environment upon which all of us – current and future generations – rely.
  • Small Towns
A clean energy transition is underway in communities across the United States creating a success story that has transformed the rural economy. Competitive prices, improved technology, and consumer preference guarantee the evolution will continue. Transmission projects announced years ago are now...
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
For many years, farmers across the country have purchased crop insurance policies as a way to manage the risk of a yield or income loss. However, crop insurance has stepped into the spotlight as the highest costing federal farm program, at about $8 billion a year. Despite the size of the program...
  • Farm and Food
Conservation programs guide farmers and ranchers in improving land soil and water quality. Maintain the strength of our working lands conservation programs, Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). Preserve funding and continue technical assistance...
  • Farm and Food
Crop insurance should better serve rural communities. Stop allowing taxpayer dollars to go without limit to the largest farmers. Cap crop insurance subsidies at $50,000. Other public support programs have limits; it makes sense to have limits on crop insurance subsidies, too. Who does this impact...
  • Farm and Food
State and national policy has a direct impact on how we live our daily lives. But how can you impact policy? Your representatives are elected to act on our behalf as they shape the policies that affect us. You can engage with our elected officials through advocacy. Understanding advocacy and what it...
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
Agriculture remains an important source of economic opportunity for people in rural areas. Learn more about our farm bill priorities. We believe the farm bill can support small towns through crop insurance reform, conservation, beginning farmers, and rural development. Pass a new farm bill before...
  • Farm and Food
Note from the Editor This edition of our newsletter focuses on our value of widespread OWNERSHIP of small businesses, farms, and ranches by the people who work them. In our executive director’s essay, he outlines our agenda to combat capital control by spreading small business ownership in rural...
  • Small Towns
You can participate in the future of rural America and affect change. Together we can commit to equality and inclusion for all newcomers to our rural communities. We can urge our lawmakers to support conservation, beginning farmer and rancher programs, small businesses, and Medicaid expansion.
  • Small Towns
Center for Rural Affairs launched the Greenhouse to Cafeteria program in 2015 after finding that many schools in Nebraska had greenhouses, but only used those greenhouses for starting perennials or growing holiday plants. Some were even empty - a missed opportunity for Nebraska’s kids. The program...
  • Small Towns
In Nebraska, water is life for people, crops, livestock and wildlife, as well as farms, ranches, business and industry. The 2015 Clean Water Rule was instated to protect this vital resource for all Nebraskans while also providing clarity and certainty for farmers and ranchers without expanding...
  • Policy
The need for property tax relief in Nebraska has been well documented. In 2017, a coordinated effort to bring income tax reductions back into the Nebraska tax policy conversation gained steam. Also in consideration is a projected budget shortfall of nearly $900 million. In this environment, an...
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
Recently, we hosted “Vang: A Drama about Recent Immigrant Farmers,” a story of eight immigrants coming to the U.S. to find solace and a livelihood in farming.
  • Small Towns
The solar energy industry is poised for explosive growth over the next decade and has potential to bring massive economic and environmental benefits to rural Americans. Learn about these benefits and how you can help create a strong foundation for this emerging market.
  • Policy
“Pathways to Land Access,” a report by Anna Johnson with support from Glen Ready, is a study of the Conservation Reserve Program - Transition Incentives Program (CRP-TIP), a program administered by the United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency (USDA-FSA). In “Pathways to Land...
  • Farm and Food
In December, I had the opportunity to visit some of you on a two-day road trip. One of my fellow staff members appropriately named the trip “Rhea on the Road.”
  • Small Towns
Más que 2.6 millones de estadounidenses no pueden acceder seguro médico porque están en la brecha de cobertura médica - Ganan demasiado para calificar para Medicaid, pero muy poco para calificar para créditos impositivos que rebajan el precio de seguro médico. 19 estados, principalmente estados...
  • Policy
Our 2016 annual report is a 2017 wall calendar. This calendar illustrates month-by-month the accomplishments you helped us achieve in the last year. With your help, new immigrants have a stronger sense of home in their new communities, more businesses are open in our small towns, and rural people...
  • Small Towns
South Dakota once carried the official moniker of “the Sunshine State,” and is one of only three states without net metering policies. For the Midwest state, where 73 percent of net electricity generation comes from hydropower and wind, solar energy remains a renewables omission. But this exclusion...
  • Policy