News Releases

We are committed to keeping the issues facing rural America in the news media. Here you'll find news on the work we do on public policy, farming and ranching, small businesses, and rural communities.

LYONS, NEBRASKA – A new resource is available for communities, solar project developers, and other stakeholders interested in installing pollinator-friendly solar projects. Outlining steps for...
  • Policy
LYONS, NEBRASKA - A bill to improve broadband access was approved on final reading by the Nebraska Legislature Tuesday morning. “We applaud the passage of Legislative Bill 996,” said Johnathan Hladik...
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Nebraska entrepreneurs are invited to two online workshops, one focused on accounting practices, and another focused on optimizing business plans. These free events are sponsored by...
  • Lending
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Internet access remains a problem for millions of Americans, including school age children. Those students without home internet access face increased difficulties completing their...
  • Small Towns
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Current and future priorities for public utilities will be discussed with public power directors from Nebraska’s largest utilities during an upcoming virtual town hall hosted by the...
  • Policy
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On June 26, U.S. Reps. Don Bacon (R-NE) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), members of the House Agriculture Committee, introduced a companion bill to the Growing Climate Solutions Act...
  • Farm and Food
NEVADA, IOWA —As Iowa farmers and landowners look for ways to continue building soil health and protecting the state’s watersheds, many are using cover crops. According to the fact sheet “Guide To...
  • Policy
  • Farm and Food
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Nebraska entrepreneurs and business owners interested in learning QuickBooks or expanding their knowledge of the program are invited to attend two workshops focused on small business...
  • Lending
LYONS, NEBRASKA – The backbone of rural communities in the Midwest, family farm operations rely on sound risk management options and practices to keep going. A tool for many farmers to manage risk is...
  • Small Towns
LYONS, NEBRASKA – The wind energy industry remains one of the fastest growing in the U.S. It has not only increased capacity, but provided consumers and utilities with clean energy and created...
  • Small Towns
LYONS, NEBRASKA - Hoy, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos falló en contra de la medida del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional para eliminar el programa de Acción Diferida sobre Los Llegados en la...
  • Small Towns
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Department of Homeland Security’s move to eliminate the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, stating the move...
  • Small Towns
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Business owners interested in enhancing their knowledge of preparing for an emergency response are invited to “Catastrophe and Emergency Readiness,” organized by the Center for Rural...
  • Lending
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Women landowners, women beekeepers, and women interested in conservation, native pollinators, and native plants throughout Nebraska are invited to “Women's Learning Circle: Prairie...
  • Farm and Food
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Business owners interested in learning best practices on how to navigate through the pandemic are invited to three online events organized by the Center for Rural Affairs. “During...
  • Small Towns
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Cost share opportunities for cover crops will be the topic of a virtual field day hosted by the Center for Rural Affairs on June 18. The webinar, set for 1 to 2 p.m. CT, will feature...
  • Small Towns
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Business owners interested in obtaining the knowledge and skills to prepare for a crisis like COVID-19 or similar events, are invited to “Strategic Planning in COVID Times,”...
  • Lending
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Dueños de negocios interesados en obtener el conocimiento y las habilidades para estar preparados en casos de crisis como el COVID-19 o eventos similares, están invitados a...
  • Lending
SOUTHEAST NEBRASKA – Business owners are invited to attend a marketing workshop series organized by Southeast Community College and the Center for Rural Affairs. The three-part course, “Using Video in...
  • Lending
LYONS, NEBRASKA – Entrepreneurs interested in gaining knowledge on how to start or grow their business are invited to an online training session focused on business plan basics using DreamBuilder...
  • Lending