The Center for Rural Affairs recently led an effort to gather farmers in support of conservation programs in the farm bill. On May 7, this letter was sent to Sen. Pat Roberts (KS) who chairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
The Honorable Pat Roberts
109 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-1605
Dear Chairman Roberts,
As farmers and ranchers in Kansas, we write to you with concerns about the future of conservation programs authorized in Title II of the Farm Bill. The recent version of this omnibus legislation that came out of the House Agriculture Committee strikes a serious blow to working lands conservation programs. First, it essentially would eliminate the Conservation Stewardship Program. The bill also proposed to significantly lower the funding available for working lands programs, which additionally includes the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), by nearly $5 billion over 10 years. We are asking that the Senate Agriculture Committee maintain and improve the structure and funding of the working lands conservation programs as authorized in 2014.
We know from experience that conservation practices reduce on-farm risk and enhance profitability. Measures such as planting cover crops, engaging in no-till, and rotational grazing can help to build soil health, lessen disease pressure, and improve the resiliency of rangeland. In turn, conservation practices pass on benefits to the wider community. For example, protecting water quality, reducing nutrient loss, and addressing the risks of wildfires help to ensure a safe, secure, and cost-effective food system.
One of the major barriers that farmers and ranchers face in adopting additional conservation practices and technologies is that it includes risk: the financial risk of investment, and also the risk of taking on a new practice with a learning curve. Therefore, incentives for innovation and investment are vital to build and maintain a resilient agriculture – particularly in the face of volatile weather, adapting pests, and increased demand for food.
Voluntary working lands programs offer the potential to create long-term benefits for society and farmers and ranchers without increasing burdensome and administratively expensive regulations. In the long run, these public working land investments are needed to save taxpayers money by potentially lowering disaster and insurance payments.
Strong support for conservation, especially working lands programs, not only improves agriculture, benefits taxpayers, and protects resources, but also it is vital for our long-term national security. Around the world, in areas where land is degraded and food is scarce, conflicts and crises arise. Furthermore, protecting the future productivity and health of our soil, water, and air strengthens the future of a healthy and well-fed America.
Thank you so much for your service and leadership in the Senate Agriculture Committee. We are confident you and your committee members will protect the funding and programs in the Conservation Title of the Farm Bill especially the working lands programs like CSP and EQIP.
Allen Roth
Ellis County
Alan Williams
Scott County
Bill Simshauser
Kearny County
Brigham Stewart
Washington County
Brit Hayes
Hodgeman County
C. Brian Hastings
Hodgeman County
Cameron Peirce
Reno County
Chad Basinger
Reno County
C.J. Blew
Reno County
Colby Harner
Sugar Creek Ranch
Reno County
Dale and Nancy Kirkham
Greenwood County
Darrin Unruh
Reno County
Derek Zongker
Reno County
Don Hineman
Lane County
Donn Teske
Pottawatomie County
Ed Reznicek and Mary Fund
Nemaha County
Erika Jaeger
4F Farms, Inc.
Kearny County
Felix Revello
Pawnee County
Forrest and Marlene Peters
Phillips County
Fred and Connie Neufeld
McPherson County
Gene Albers
Kingman County
James Funke and Christine Terrill
Reno County
Jerry Clasen
Reno County
Jim and Lisa French
Reno County
Kendall Hodgson
Rice County
Larry Hickman
Russell County
Laura and Doug Fortmeyer
Jubilee Farm
Brown County
Luke Jaeger
Trifecta Farms, Inc.
Sherman County
Marion Krehbiel
Reno County
Matthew Jaeger
Trifecta Farms
Sherman County
Michael and Melinda Moeder
Logan and Thomas Counties
Myron Schmidt
Gray County
Ron Brown
Cheyenne County
Sam Sanders
Reno County
Ted Worl
Rice County
Titus Jaeger
Jaeger Family Farms, Inc.
Kearny County
Todd Miller
Harper County
Tom Holmquist
Saline County
Travis Groff
Ellis County
Troy Schroeder
Barton County