School Name: Lyons-Decatur Northeast
School Address: PO Box 526 400 S. 5th Street, Lyons, NE 68038
Number of Students: 240
How many schools are in your district? Lyons-Decatur Northeast is a pre-K through 12 school housed in 1 building.
Who is on your school’s internal Farm to School team? Head Cook, Business Manager
Size of cafeteria staff:
# Full-Time Staff 2
# Part-Time Staff 1
Please list programs you participate in: National School Lunch Program, breakfast program
Name of farm or business used for local purchases: Price Farms, Lyons, NE
Items/Foods regularly purchased: Fresh vegetables
What Farm to School activities does your school participate in? We will be doing taste testings and have kids come in the kitchen to help prepare the vegetables. This fall (2015) the Kindergarten class took a field trip to Price Farms and was able to help with a fall pea planting.
Does your school have a garden or greenhouse? No, not at this time.
Share your biggest Farm to School success: Getting someone to share their crop with us was our biggest success.
Share your biggest Farm to School challenge: Finding more local farms or growers willing to participate and sell to our school.
Other pertinent information you’d like to share: We’ve used Farm to School activities in our mentoring program, Empower Your Genius. This activity provided opportunities for older and younger students to work together hands on preparing a recipe and learning about where food comes from together.