Iowans asked to weigh in as part of Our Iowa, Our Water Survey


By Cody Smith, former staff member | Note: This survey is now closed.

Every Iowan lives in a watershed and, for years, rural Iowans have grappled with challenges posed by intense flooding and poor water quality. At the Center for Rural Affairs, we believe rural people should have a seat at the table where decisions are made that impact their communities—water management decisions are no exception. 

Will you take a few minutes to complete the Our Iowa, Our Water Survey so we can better advocate for rural Iowans as lawmakers at all levels work to address flooding and water quality concerns?

The survey is a brief 20 questions and should only take a few minutes to complete. Your participation will help us in our efforts to educate local, state, and federal officials about policy solutions to help reduce flood risk and improve water quality in rural Iowa. Plus, you may be selected to receive free Center for Rural Affairs apparel.

Your perspective as a rural Iowan is crucial for informing our work and we hope you will take some time to make your voice heard.

If you have any questions about the survey, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you for your commitment to elevating the voices of rural Iowa.

The survey is now closed.