The new administration has been decided, but the future of rural America has not

Small Towns

Today, a familiar but new administration is being sworn into office. The change in the presidency and shift of power in Congress have the potential to profoundly impact rural America. The details of that change will become more clear in the coming months.

What will—and what must—remain constant is our dedication to advancing our shared values and priorities at all levels of government, regardless of who holds office.

At this moment, the forces that pull people apart and pit them against each other may feel overwhelmingly strong. The Center’s work has never been more important. Our commitment to creating opportunity for all and stewarding resources for the future remains unchanged and will continue to guide our path forward.

Can we count on your help today to empower our grassroots action and speak rural truth to policymakers across the political spectrum? Your financial contribution will help us bring underrepresented voices to the table and champion policies that promote rural economic and environmental vitality.

Generations of progress are on the line. The policies put forward by this administration could gut programs crucial to rural America’s success. With slim margins in the House and Senate, we need to be prepared for fierce political negotiations.

As the current term unfolds, we expect hard-fought battles on important issues that will impact our rural communities.

Standing up for family farmers 

With a new farm bill still under debate, we need your help as we work tirelessly to protect farm conservation programs from deep cuts. Together, we must speak out to support the gains we’ve won in beginning farmer, niche markets, and rural small business policy. We must continue to prioritize coalition-building and leverage our ability to work with diverse groups to improve federal crop insurance, incentivize conservation, and keep family farmers and ranchers on the land.

Continuing the transition to clean energy

With your help, we are making significant progress in diversifying the nation’s energy supply and broadening the ability of low-income and rural communities to access its benefits, including jobs and tax revenue. The new administration has signaled its intent to roll back climate change regulations and repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, legislation that aims to reduce the federal deficit, lower prescription drug prices, and invest in domestic clean energy. Will you help us fight to protect clean air, renewable energy, and new economic potential for rural America?

Building rural strength through diversity

Immigrants account for more than 30% of new residents in our rural communities, leading to vital growth and rich diversity. Immigrant-owned small businesses enrich rural Main Streets and a diverse labor force boosts rural economic development, yet alarming political discourse seeks to dehumanize our neighbors. Your special gift will strengthen our advocacy for policies that enable all those who live in rural America to participate fully in civic, economic, and cultural life.

Protecting your health and retirement

Despite promises to protect Medicare and Social Security, the new administration has proposed tax cuts that would deplete their funding in as little as six years. Cuts to these programs and others, such as the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid, would hit rural America hard. In our country, rural areas have more people 65 and older, less access to health networks and providers, and higher rates of un- and under-insured residents. The Center has long fought for expanded rural health care facilities and coverage, and rural communities cannot afford these harmful rollbacks.

This is just a handful of the high-stakes debates we will face in the next four years. It will take hard work, perseverance, and strategic pressure to protect the momentum we’ve built over the past five decades.

Making a difference requires that each of us puts in the time and energy required to connect with one another, listen to diverse perspectives, and maintain hope that the future we envision is within reach. At the Center, we’re committed to showing up and advancing our work, our values, and our mission.

Will you step up with us today by making a donation online at or by mailing a check to us in Lyons? The rural communities we serve depend on us.

Your contribution helps ensure we have the resources to build a just, welcoming, and thriving rural future.