Rhea Landholm, brand marketing and communications manager, [email protected] or 402.687.2100 ext. 1025
Dyersville, Iowa - This week, Central Iowa Power Cooperative - the largest generation and transmission cooperative in Iowa - announced that it will work with six member cooperatives to install 5.5 MW of solar power generation. For perspective, the entire state of Iowa installed about 6 MW of solar power generation in 2015.
“Solar energy brings a host of economic benefits to rural communities - lower electricity rates, local jobs, and the potential to retain more dollars in the local economy,” said Stephanie Enloe with the Center for Rural Affairs. “ Add to this the environmental and educational benefits of solar, and you have a win-win energy solution.”
To read the CIPCO announcement, visit http://www.cipco.net/content/cipco-launches-iowas-largest-utility-based-solar-project.