Rhea Landholm, brand marketing and communications manager, [email protected], 402.687.2100 ext 1025
LYONS, NEBRASKA – In fewer than two years, wind energy projects in North Dakota generated more than $8 million in tax revenue benefiting communities. “Fact sheet: North Dakota wind energy tax revenue,” released today by the Center for Rural Affairs, highlights tax contributions of more than 1,600 wind turbines.
In 2015, projects generated $1,126,934 in electric generation tax revenue and, in 2016, they generated $7.7 million dollars in property taxes. The revenue was used to fund schools, roads, and other essential services, like fire and emergency medical services.
“Many people wonder what their community will get out of wind development,” said Lu Nelsen, policy associate at the Center for Rural Affairs and author of the publication. “New tax revenue from a wind farm is something that benefits an entire community.”
The $7.7 million dollars in property taxes include collections paid on operations buildings, access roads, and the foundations for wind turbines. These taxes are determined by the tax district where the property is located.
“Paired with electric generation taxes, these two taxes will continue to collect millions of dollars in revenue as North Dakota embraces more renewable energy generation,” Nelsen said.
Currently, about 27 percent of the state’s electricity is generated from wind.
“Wind energy has proven to be an important economic development tool for counties and small towns,” said Nelsen. “Wind energy expansion may be a tool for localities to offset the need for higher local taxes while still allowing for adequate funding for local schools and other services.”
For more information and to view the fact sheet, visit cfra.org/publications.