Center for Rural Affairs September and October 2024 Newsletter

Small Towns
Farm and Food
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Editor’s note

As I write this, it’s county fair time in Nebraska. I don’t know about you, but almost everyone goes to the fair around here. 

Growing up in Burt County (the home county of the Center), Sunday’s parade and Tuesday’s demolition derby were the highlights. I would participate in the parade, first on a float with my Girl Scout Troop, then with the marching band in junior high and high school. 

After the parade, I would run from the end point across the park to the Methodist Fair Kitchen. As a pre-teen, I would help clear tables. As I got older, I chopped up cucumbers for salad, until finally getting to scoop beans and corn onto trays. 

The fair is also full of other activities. I’ve taken photos of 4-H shows for the newspaper; my favorite shots are of the tiny 6-year-olds presenting their big pigs or wrangling their sheep. And, taken part in the community events of bingo, admiring students’ artwork, and riding some of the amusement rides (not all). 

The fair is near the end of the summer, and provides a gathering place for the last hurrah of the season. I greet cousins, neighbors, and classmates. It’s a great tradition. 

What’s your favorite fair memory or your favorite part of the fair? Let us know by tagging us on social media.

-Rhea Landholm

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