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The Center for Rural Affairs' Small Business News includes select success stories on Nebraska entrepreneurs assisted by our programs and information that you may need to start or grow your business.
In this edition:
- Is it time to revise your business plan? - Writing a business plan is likely one of the first steps you’ll take in launching the business of your dreams, but it’s not a “one-and-done” task. If you haven’t revisited your business plan in a while, it might be time to take a look.
Coffee shop owners create environment that promotes and celebrates rural Nebraska - Although they weren’t sure what it might turn into, Rachael and Heather dreamed of doing something unique together—something they could pour their creativity into.
Celebrating 50 years in rural America: Lending boosts communities - The Center for Rural Affairs’ mission to establish strong rural communities continues with the Lending Services program, which today includes small business and housing loans as well as small business training and one-on-one assistance.