Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

Shawn Fernau’s business journey didn’t go how he would have hoped. He rented a building for the first couple years of his business. After purchasing a building in 2016, the building caught on fire on Christmas Eve. His tools, which were inside, were a complete loss as well as the building.
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  • Small Towns
Ana Gonzalez and Veronica Ramos, sisters, are 50/50 members of A&V Enterprises, LLC. In addition, Ana owns Enchanted Bakery and Veronica owns Blossom Beauty, a hair and nail salon.
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Along with the weather, broadband access is a safe topic for small talk in rural communities. It is an issue for everyone in one way or another—whether directly or via grandkids who struggle to connect to classes, employees who drop out of Zoom meetings, or simply an inability to look up a recipe on Google. Exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, inequity caused by lack of broadband has opened the eyes of those who have the precious asset and presumed universal access.
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Letterbox Farm Collective is located was established in 2013 and is located in Hudson, New York. The collective has three farmer-owners/partners and is open to additional partners with a trial period and buy-in.
  • Farm and Food
El colectivo tiene tres agricultores-propietarios/socios y está abierto a socios adicionales con un período de prueba y aceptación.
  • Farm and Food
La cooperativa ARTZ tiene 32 miembros con edades comprendidas entre los 20 y los 80 años. Los artistas deben aplicar para ser miembros de ARTZ y, una vez aceptados, pueden vender sus trabajos en una galería operada por voluntarios. Las ganancias de las ventas de la galería se dividen en 60/40.
  • Small Towns
The ARTZ cooperative, located in Zuni, New Mexico, has 32 members ranging in age from 20 to 80. Artists must apply to be ARTZ members and once accepted can sell their work in a volunteer-operated gallery. Proceeds from gallery sales are split 60/40.
  • Small Towns
La única tienda de comestibles de Hay Springs cerró en 2019. La aldea tiene una población relativamente grande de personas mayores y de bajos ingresos y está rodeada de granjas y ranchos, lo que requiere que los residentes viajen fuera de la ciudad para comprar alimentos.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
Established in 2021, Farm to Family Cooperative is a community grocery store located in Hay Springs, Nebraska.
  • Farm and Food
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Members of the Ohe∙láku Cooperative, located in Oneida, Wisconsin, work together to grow their own corn. This case study explores how they started, what it all entails, and more.
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  • Farm and Food
Quince familias de Oneida pertenecen a la Cooperativa Ohe∙láku. Los miembros registran sus horas en un grupo privado de Facebook. Al final de la temporada, el maíz se divide por la cantidad de horas que se invirtieron. Hay un umbral mínimo de 50 horas de trabajo voluntario por año. Los nuevos miembros se unen como aprendices, lo que se conoce como “Under the Wing” (bajo el ala).
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
Throughout this issue, we focus on one of our organization's core values: "RESPONSIBILITY placed upon each of us to contribute to our community and society."
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  • Farm and Food
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Independent local meat processors are a vital component of resilient food systems. They contribute to the rural economy, provide a needed service to livestock producers, and ensure quality meat is readily available.
  • Farm and Food
Anchor Meadow Farm, located in Milford, Nebraska, offers high-quality pork from KuneKune pigs, free range eggs, honey, and beeswax items.
  • Farm and Food
On Dec. 8, 2021, Gov. Kim Reynolds announced a historic $100 million investment of federal American Rescue Plan Act funds for water infrastructure and water quality efforts. Of that, $5 million was made available for nonpoint source Watershed Protection Projects that address water quality, and focus...
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As solar projects across the nation continue to expand, solar grazing has emerged as a valuable tool. Using livestock to manage vegetation at solar sites can enhance site value by keeping land in agricultural use, providing new income streams for local farmers, and adding environmental benefits such as decreased erosion and enhanced soil health.
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A medida que los proyectos solares en todo el país continúan expandiéndose, el pastoreo solar se ha convertido en una herramienta valiosa. El uso de ganado para administrar la vegetación en los sitios solares puede mejorar el valor del sitio al mantener la tierra en uso agrícola, proporcionar nuevas fuentes de ingresos para los agricultores locales y agregar beneficios ambientales como una disminución de la erosión y una mejor salud del suelo.
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  • Farm and Food
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Long-term viability of farms and ranches depends on the sustained health of soil and water resources. However, most conservation practices require a front-end investment from farmers and ranchers, which can serve as a barrier for implementation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers a number of federal programs that take different approaches to supporting farmers, ranchers, and landowners in preserving natural resources.
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  • Farm and Food
This 2022 calendar illustrates month-by-month the accomplishments you helped us achieve in 2021.
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  • Farm and Food
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Owners of microbusinesses, sole proprietors, and farmers need to make sure they are prepared in the event of a major flood. Floods are the most common and costly natural disaster in the U.S. Being well-prepared minimizes the impact on business. Having a plan in place protects not only operations, but people.
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