Woman with dark shoulder length hair with bangs, wearing a white button-up collared shirt
Laura Priest
Solar for All Associate

While I live in a city, a large one at that, I was raised by a very rural dad and a city mom. My dad helped grow my love for all things rural Nebraska I most likely wouldn't have had otherwise. Rural areas are full of amazing people, beautiful landscapes, and experiences you just don't get living in an urban area. When I leave the city, I rarely venture to another metropolitan area; I go out and see small towns, camp in new and different areas, and experience small town life. Traffic and city noise is for some, but definitely not all (or me).

My background is in organizing and communications with a focus on renewable energy, agriculture, and conservation. In my previous job, I did a lot of collaborative work with the Center, and I always admired their work in rural communities. The dedication to rural small business, family farmers, and the environment is what made applying to the Center an easy choice. I am passionate about clean energy and making a positive impact in my home state.

Knowing the Solar for All program helps those who need it most is very near and dear to my heart. In the words of Mister Rogers, "look for the helpers," and I've always felt my purpose was in helping others. In addition to expanding my own knowledge and experience, I hope to help as many people as possible, all while growing the clean energy capacity in Nebraska. And I'm very excited to be a part of a team and program that is entirely new and implementing a program from the ground up.

I have an incredibly large blended family, and a cat named FiFi LeGrey who I adore more than anything. My hobbies include hiking, biking, and all forms of skating, and I am a Girl Scout troop leader. I can't pass up a thrift store to save my life. My plant collection is extensive, and I find a great deal of solace in tending to my houseplants and my large garden.