Female with long hair and long dangling earrings. Black and white headshot.
Miranda Roberts
Community Foods Associate

Growing up in a small, rural town meant a lot to me, and I continue to live and raise my family in the small, rural area of Niobrara, Nebraska. As a working mom with three children, and three bonus kids, working for the Center offers me the positive working environment and flexibility I need to care for my family the best I can.

Eleven years of my life have been dedicated to working in education, and I’ve spent the last five as a paraprofessional at Isanti Community School, in Santee. My years in this field have given me insight into what youth need, so when there is a demand for more community activities to keep them occupied, I work to spark their interests and keep them busy.

Along with being involved in youth activities, I'm grateful I get to collaborate with community members to increase the number of gardens and small businesses in the area. I also enjoy the opportunity to plan activities to promote the community's priorities.

In my spare time (which is rare), I enjoy beading and sewing, especially ribbon skirts.

Get to know Miranda in our spotlight blog.