Women-owned businesses flourish


By Monica Braun, former staff member

Women-owned businesses are gaining economic impact and clout. That’s the message Kim Preston (REAP administrative assistant) and I heard at the Women’s Business Center National Conference in El Paso, Texas.

The National Women’s Business Council released an analysis of preliminary U.S. Census data from the 2012 Survey of Business Owners. The snapshot of women entrepreneurs shows definite growth since 2007. Among the highlights:

  • Women business ownership increased to 9.9 million, a 27.5% rise.
  • Total receipts for women-owned businesses rose by 35%. That equals $1.6 trillion in economic activity.
  • Sole proprietors are the norm for women-owned businesses, accounting for 89.4%.
  • More women are adding employees. Employee hiring rose by 19.5% in women-owned business.
  • African-American women own more than 1.5 million businesses across the U.S., a 67.5% jump from 2007.
  • 1.48 million Hispanic women own businesses in the U.S., an increase of 87.3% increase since 2007.
  • 754,874 Asian American women own businesses, up 44.3% from 2007.

The Association of Women’s Business Centers held the conference to share best practices and ideas with the nation’s 100+ Women’s Business Centers. These centers offer counseling and business training to women in business in all 50 states. The REAP Women’s Business Center has been proudly serving the women of Nebraska as part of the association since 2001.