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Who grows our nation’s food and how they grow it continues to gain new national prominence. Now more than ever, there is a national interest in building an agricultural system that benefits family farms and rural communities, and a system that is not controlled by large, corporate interests.
- Farm and Food
On Feb. 10, 2016, debate began in the Nebraska Unicameral over LB 1032, the Transitional Health Insurance Program. The Health and Human Services Committee conducted a hearing and took public testimony on the bill.
- Policy
On Feb 5, 2016, the Nebraska Unicameral voted for final passage of LB 176, legislation to rescind Nebraska’s statute prohibiting meatpacking corporations from owning hogs prior to slaughter. The bill will now be sent to the governor for his consideration.
- Farm and Food
As Nebraska lawmakers debate the state’s ban on meatpacker ownership of hogs, opponents of the law are raising a new argument about the constitutionality of the ban. We believe the present law is...
- Farm and Food
Last week, a bipartisan group of state senators – Sen. John McCollister, Sen. Kathy Campbell, and Sen. Heath Mello – unveiled a new health coverage bill. It would make affordable health coverage accessible to 77,000 uninsured Nebraskans who cannot afford insurance.
- Policy
The Microenterprise and small business community in Nebraska recently lost a good friend. Rick Wallace passed away on January 4, 2016 after a prolonged illness.
- Lending
Only two weeks ago (from this writing), friends were purchasing lottery tickets to hit the jackpot – close to $1.4 billion. “I will share some money with my family and friends, donate to charity, purchase a new home,” were a few reasons they gave for purchasing a ticket.
- Lending
On Jan 22, the Nebraska legislature voted to advance LB 176 to the bill’s final reading. The vote on final passage could occur as early as next week. LB 176, introduced by Senator Ken Schilz last session, would rescind Nebraska’s statute prohibiting meatpacking companies from owning and feeding hogs prior to slaughter.
- Farm and Food
Nebraska LB 176 is a bill that will harm competition in Nebraska by weakening our state’s Competitive Livestock Markets Act. I am a fourth generation Nebraska cattle producer with young children.
- Farm and Food
On Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016, concerned citizens and like-minded organizations, including the Center for Rural Affairs, were at the Nebraska State Capitol. They gathered to support the Transitional Health Care bill, which will ensure all Nebraskans are able to get the health coverage they need.
- Policy
They’re at it again, big meatpacking companies want to drive independent farmers out of hog production. LB 176 would lift Nebraska’s prohibition on packer ownership of hogs. And you can bet your last dollar they’ll come after cattle next.
- Farm and Food
Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency released the final version of the Clean Power Plan. It sets ambitious but achievable goals to reduce carbon emissions from energy generators by 2030.
- Policy
We were struck recently after reading a study by Anne Case and Angus Deaton of Princeton University. The authors show a concerning trend: the period between 1999 and 2013 saw an increase in mortality of middle-aged white men and women.
- Policy
Thirteen years ago, Ana Gonzalez wanted to start her own bakery. She had been working from home making cakes for friends and family, but always wanted to have a set location for a shop.
- Lending
Sadly, for many of us the Holiday season is rife with shopping, travel, crowded airports or highways, and out here on the Great Plains enough cold, wind, snow and ice to make traveling that much more difficult. For many rural and small town Americans, the stress of travel and shopping, which probably involves more travel, is amplified by harsh weather and poor road conditions.
- Small Towns
Lone Tree Foods is similar to a Food Hub, a producer-owned company that connects local farmers with wholesale buyers. Lone Tree Foods offers products from other local farms and currently works with 30 different farms. A one-stop shop for local items.
- Small Towns
Since the Center for Rural Affairs began, we have been engaged in the debate over who will steward the land a generation hence. In the last two farm bills, we helped pass new policy to support beginners.
- Farm and Food
It is amazing how easy it is to explore the world right from the comfort of our living rooms. The internet and expanded access to technology make our small communities part of a global landscape.
- Small Towns
As 2015 closes, the Clean Power Plan is filed in the Federal Register. The Paris Climate Change Summit has concluded. And a new year is about to begin. What a great time to look at the future of energy and take stock.
- Policy
On Dec. 7 and 8, an historic meeting took place in Des Moines, Iowa. It wasn’t historic because there were thousands of people there. It wasn’t historic because the people there were famous. For the most part, there wasn’t anyone there who is much more famous (or notorious, depending on perspective) than I am.
- Farm and Food