Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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Since June, I have had the honor of helping the Center for Rural Affairs educate and interact with members of Congress and farmers from Kansas on the 2018 farm bill. Most of my work has consisted of phone calls and visits in and around Kansas. But, recently, I had the chance to head to the heart of the farm bill policy discussion, Washington, D.C., to visit with the Kansas delegation on Capitol Hill.
  • Farm and Food
Engaged communities and connections with farmers are helping make school lunches even better in rural communities. Our kids are reaping the benefits and heading back to school with local foods on their plates through a new initiative from the Center for Rural Affairs and Nebraska Department of Education-Nutrition Services.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
The 2014 farm bill expires on Sept. 30, 2018. What happens if Congress does not pass a new farm bill in time. Congress can either vote to extend the 2014 farm bill, or they can allow the farm bill to lapse.
  • Farm and Food
Ten organizations, including the Center for Rural Affairs, joined together to sign and send a letter to Sens. Brown and Ernst on Sept. 4, 2018. The letter thanks the two lawmakers for introducing the Give our Resources the Opportunity to Work Act of 2018, or GROW Act, and for securing important conservation wins in the Senate version of the farm bill.
  • Farm and Food
Not only is Francis Thicke’s organic farm nestled in an idyllic valley, he also describes it as an ecologically-sound cropping system. In his view, this system prioritizes regenerating soil over caring for the crop.
  • Policy
America’s farmers and ranchers are struggling. With steep input costs, low commodity prices, corporate competition and weather extremes, it’s a tough time to be a farmer in America. As if that weren’t enough, some lawmakers are using producers as political pawns.
  • Farm and Food
The daily work grind for many people consists of doing the same thing over and over. Jordan Feyerherm, however, spends his days doing everything from teaching cooking classes to writing grants. No day is the same for him, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
  • Small Towns
The farm bill is set to expire on Sept. 30, 2018. Without it, millions of rural Americans will lose access to programs they depend on for security and stability. A host of farm bill programs have a large impact on daily life in rural areas.
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
​​​​​​​The steady hum of engines, the smell of diesel fuel in the air – the 2018 Farm Progress Show was in full swing.
  • Farm and Food
At the Barreras Family Farm, just a few miles north of Omaha, Nebraska, co-owners and co-operators Lt. Col. Anthony and Mariel Barreras work hard alongside their children.
  • Farm and Food
The current farm bill will expire on Sept. 30. Congress has a handful of days to make an important decision, and they have three options: to pass a final farm bill, extend the 2014 farm bill, or let the farm bill expire.
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
This is the second year the Center for Rural Affairs has worked to establish a community garden at the Third City Community Clinic in Grand Island, Nebraska. Together, in partnership with CHI Health St. Francis, and Central Community College, we have been able to turn a piece of otherwise unused land into an urban garden.
  • Small Towns
The Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP), a sliver of the farm bill, is at risk. Alongside small businesses across the country, we’re asking Congress to support and restore funding of RMAP in the final farm bill.
  • Farm and Food
Hilda Moreno and Carlos Alvarado, of Fremont, Nebraska, provide a model for innovation, stewardship, and community development. Because the couple has gone above and beyond to become leaders in the Latino farming community, they have been chosen as the recipients of the 2017 Bob Steffen Pioneer Award. They were recognized at an award ceremony on March 9 in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
  • Small Towns
When it comes to economic development tools, wind energy has paid off for rural areas. Whether it be new employment opportunities, additional revenue for counties, or direct payments to landowners, wind energy has brought significant benefits to rural communities.
  • Policy
At the Center for Rural Affairs, we know the strength and vibrancy of rural communities. We also know that public policy is a key element for the health of rural communities. When our public policies neglect rural communities, quite simply, they suffer.
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
Experience in community economic development and agriculture has helped Ross Knott draw out the benefits of wind energy. In the process, he has helped transform one small town’s story into that of a strong voice in support of rural development.
  • Policy
Las comunidades necesitan ser inclusivas ya que todos formamos parte de este mundo. Un poco más de comprensión y voluntad basta para crear comunidades más inclusivas y diversas. El mes pasado en Norfolk, Nebraska, se consiguió avanzar un poco más hacia este objetivo de crear una comunidad más unida.
  • Small Towns
In 2012, Iowa released a strategy to reduce nutrient and sediment loading in surface waters. However, the best plan forward remains uncertain. This lack of clarity leaves farmers feeling frustrated.
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
The Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP), a sliver of the farm bill, is at risk. In advance of conference negotiations, a letter from 11 small businesses across Nebraska asked Congress to support and restore funding of RMAP in the final farm bill.
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending