What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.
Where you live should not determine how long you live. New research shows it does. Americans have enjoyed increasingly longer lives over time. Advances in medicine, a decline in fatal car accidents...
- Small Towns
The Transitional Health Insurance Program, LB 1032, failed to pass this year. But that doesn’t change the fact that nearly 100,000 Nebraskans still do not have a solution.
- Policy
Recently a new loan officer in a small rural bank reached out to me, wondering what training I could recommend for her. It´s refreshing to get a question like that. A lender who shows curiosity in...
- Farm and Food
Last week, Governor Ricketts vetoed LB 947, which would allow young Nebraskans who were brought here as children and call this state home to hold professional and occupational licenses.
- Small Towns
Nebraska relies heavily on coal to generate electricity in the state, even though we rank 4th in the nation for wind energy potential and 13th for solar power potential. These resources could easily play a larger role in our energy portfolio.
- Policy
Sheldon Station is an aging coal-fired power plant constructed in 1958 near Hallam, Nebr. Sheldon Station is the biggest polluter in Lancaster County and changing environmental regulations make...
- Policy
What happens when 20 to 80 food service staff comes together for training and networking with farmers? Good food, good conversation and lots of good connections – to ideas and to one another.
- Small Towns
The results are in: Farm to School in early care and education builds healthy kids with bright futures. In 2015, the National Farm to School Network surveyed early care and education providers across the country.
- Small Towns
“Would my husband and I automatically move into town so the next generation can move in?” asked a farmer. “And what would be our plans for our farm if our children will run it as ‘absentee landlords’...
- Farm and Food
“If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.” That's what my father, Bill Greeley, a rancher from Imperial, Nebraska, had to say after blizzard Selene foiled his plans of swiftly transporting newly acquired cows home from the Ogallala Livestock Market.
- Farm and Food
In late March, Central Iowa Power Cooperative - the largest generation and transmission cooperative in Iowa - announced it will work with six member cooperatives to install 5.5 MW of solar power generation. For perspective, the entire state of Iowa installed about 6 MW of solar power generation in 2015.
- Policy
Greg and Kristy Parr of Norfolk, Nebraska, have been chosen as our Entrepreneur of the Year Award recipients. They were honored for their efforts to establish and grow their business Custom Sports, as well as their integrity and leadership.
- Lending
Last September, we mailed an opinion survey to our paper newsletter readers. We heard back from over 300 of you, a 23% return rate. Here are a few highlights.
- Small Towns
We are pleased to announce Bill Hedges of Lyons, Neb. is the recipient of our 2015 Bob Steffen Pioneer Award. Bill was honored for his integrity, leadership, and extraordinary efforts in community...
- Small Towns
On March 29, 2016, a bracket motion to LB 1032 - the Transitional Health Insurance Program Act - successfully doomed any chance of closing Nebraska’s health coverage gap in 2016.
- Policy
The Center for Rural Affairs has chosen Matt Connealy as our Citizenship awardee. Matt was honored at a special awards banquet in Columbus, Nebraska.
- Small Towns
I was really excited to attend the Midwest Farm to School Conference. Not only to learn more about Farm to School in general, but particularly getting local beef into my kids’ own school lunch, especially since my family raises beef.
- Small Towns
The Sandhill & Sun Ranch is located on just over 2600 acres in northwestern Brown County, Nebraska. Al and Lois Steuter, along with their four kids, developed a family cattle business where simplicity...
- Farm and Food
On March 23, the Center for Rural Affairs along with Mike Duffy, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Iowa State University, released a report that explores the impact subsidized crop insurance places on land values.
- Farm and Food
I am delighted to announce Betty Sayers, co-founder of Nebraska Rural Living, is the recipient of the Center's 2015 7th Generation Award. Betty was honored for her integrity and leadership at a...
- Small Towns