Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

Matt Johnson and Tiffiny Clifton decided to buy a farm in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was an idea that was always in the back of their minds. Tiffiny grew up on a farm, often doing chores for the neighbors. Matt would have loved to have been a farmer, but his family did not own land. They...
  • Small Towns
Wind energy was introduced to Iowa in the early 2000s and has been a feature of the landscape since. In 2021, the state was the second largest producer of wind energy and led the nation in net electricity generation at 58%. Wind development poses a number of economic benefits in job creation and...
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Wind energy has been part of the Iowa landscape for decades. Today, the state is the second-largest wind power producer in the nation and has the highest share of net electricity generation, with 58% of production coming from wind in 2021. As demand for renewable energy continues to rise, Iowa’s...
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Solar at all scales is a growing opportunity in Nebraska. From immense growth in residential solar to the emergence of utility-scale and community projects, solar energy in Nebraska is forecasted to increase considerably. Counties presented with the opportunity for large-scale solar projects should...
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With the help of Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), has implemented multiple practices that add value and longevity to his farm in Greene, Iowa. His whole-farm approach to conservation has led to a diversified operation where row crops, livestock, and native plants and animals are all...
  • Farm and Food
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Through his enrollment in CSP, Will has implemented a number of conservation practices on his operation—Tri-C Farms Inc. in Hardy, Nebraska—to increase the profitability of his farm and become a better steward of natural resources. Over the years, these practices have made a significant contribution...
  • Farm and Food
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Katlyn Dupris and her brother began ranching in 2014. They manage a 5,000-acre operation—Maynard Dupris Ranch—in Cherry Creek, South Dakota, and understand the importance of conservation. Now in their eighth year participating in CSP, conservation is a staple of their ranching practices. "I'm...
  • Farm and Food
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Have you heard about our Academies? This is just one type of event we offer to entrepreneurs. Academies are multi-day, industry-specific trainings for construction, child care, restaurants, cleaning, trucking, and salons.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
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Theo and Bonnie Ramsey assumed ownership of what was formerly Cheese’s Food Center in April 2015, transforming it into Ramsey’s Market in Lenox, Iowa. In 2017, Ramsey’s ACE Hardware opened adjacent to Ramsey’s Market. Bonnie and Theo started a new technology grocery service called Fresh Out of the...
  • Small Towns
As demand for clean energy increases, solar deployment is expected to rise. Because utility-scale solar requires considerable land use, many state and local governments are prudently discussing the impact future solar development will have on agricultural lands. The practice of dual-use solar, which...
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Tyler Bartley and his business partner were struggling to find a career they enjoyed. They decided to see if there was an opportunity to buy and sell locally and bolster the local economy, while making a modest living. In 2017, the pair piloted their farm business idea and officially started selling...
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
In 2011, Danelle started her farm, One Farm, and began to produce a variety of vegetables, herbs, and fruit using organic growing practices.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
Noticias sobre Pequeñas Empresas del Center for Rural Affairs, incluyen historias seleccionadas de éxito de empresarios de Nebraska asistidos por nuestros programas e información que puede necesitar para iniciar o expandir su negocio.
  • Lending
The Center for Rural Affairs' Small Business News includes select success stories on Nebraska entrepreneurs assisted by our programs and information that you may need to start or grow your business.
  • Lending
In Iowa and the Midwest region, agricultural excellence, robust soils, and ample outdoor recreation are points of pride. All of these elements relate to water and depend upon healthy watersheds. To ensure they are protected and preserved, proper watershed management is essential. We all live in a...
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As demand for solar energy continues to grow, agrivoltaics offers an opportunity to maximize usage of land allocated for solar projects. The co-location of solar and agriculture offers opportunities for conservation, food production, increasing pollinator habitat, and adding additional farm revenue...
  • Farm and Food
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The Seventh Generation Award, our lifetime service award, is presented to someone who has made major contributions in improving rural life and protecting our land and water. Jim and Lisa French, of Partridge, Kansas, are our 2022 recipients. In February, I had the privilege of visiting them and presenting the award in their community, in front of their friends and family.
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  • Small Towns
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Los miembros de la comunidad, incluidos Aliza Brunsing, copropietaria de The Hog Yard, y Tina Biteghe Bi Ndong, directora ejecutiva de la Cámara de Comercio de West Point, unieron a toda su comunidad a través de una herramienta común: un mercado de agricultores. Conozca cómo el asesoramiento comunitario del Centro ha ayudado a la ciudad de West Point a organizar eventos inclusivos para adultos y niños por igual, con actividades y servicios ofrecidos en inglés y español.
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
Community members including Aliza Brunsing, co-owner of The Hog Yard, and Tina Biteghe Bi Ndong, executive director of the West Point Chamber of Commerce, brought their entire community together through a common tool: a farmers market. Learn how the Center’s community coaching has helped the city of West Point bring together inclusive events for adults and children alike, with activities and services offered in English and Spanish.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is currently accepting applications for the Underserved Farmer to Farmer Grant program. A number of entities are eligible to apply, including Iowa's Watershed Management Authorities (WMA). The deadline is April 28. The announcement presents an...
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