Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

Two Rutgers University geographers caused quite a stir when they suggested that the Great Plains will inevitably become largely depopulated and that "the wisest thing the federal government can do is start buying back great chunks of the Plains, replant the grass, reintroduce the bison—and turn out the lights.”
  • Policy
The "Small Farm Energy Primer" is a collection of reports on energy alternatives and conservative techniques to help lower the high costs of energy inputs on small farms. The reports, entitled, "Project Focus," include innovations built by northeast Nebraska farmers who participated in the Small...
  • Policy
As an independent banker who has been outspoken on banking matters for many years, I am pleased to present for the consideration of the public as well as the banking industry, this report on the impact of bank ownership on farm credit in Nebraska. Although the report represents the first stage of a...
  • Small Towns
As an irrigator who lives in one of the fastest developing irrigation areas of the state, I was pleased to serve on the study committee which oversaw the preparation of this report. The committee, consisting of two other irrigators and a University of Nebraska economist, was established by the Board...
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
The 1974 Center for Rural Affairs report on vertical integration and large-scale hog production – "Who Will Sit Up With The Corporate Sow?" – accurately predicted the most onerous impacts that consolidation and vertical integration would have on family farm hog producers over the last 30 years. The...
  • Farm and Food