My work focuses on local foods, farmers markets, and beginning farmers, so I get to work with farmers, market managers, and community members who know the importance of locally grown foods. The support we offer in terms of knowledge building, technical assistance, and funding can be their next important step!
After following the Center on social media and learning more from a friend, I knew the organization would be a good match for me and my interest in local foods and farming. I appreciate the diverse nature of work that we do here, and I gain so much knowledge from my team and people we partner with on various projects. I also love traveling to different towns and learning from all of the wonderful people we interact with in our work.
Before coming to the Center, I worked in operations and human resources for an insurance company. After staying home with my daughter and relocating to the Midwest, I started managing farmers markets in Omaha. This led me to a role with a local foods wholesaler, working with farmers, schools, and businesses.
I grew up in a small town in California, where my parents owned a family restaurant. We were surrounded by rural communities, including farm-to-table producers and family orchards, so supporting small businesses, local foods, and farmers has always been important to me.
Watching my daughter grow up in a place with seasons is a joy. We especially love spring and summer with our farmer friends, and winter snow is a favorite, too!
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
I would take a road trip across the U.S. or Europe with no agenda, just a suitcase and a dog or two.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Buying books and then not reading them for years.
Are you a morning person or a night owl, and what is your favorite thing about that time of day?
I am a morning person only because my dogs are early birds!