Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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We are concerned about a bill in the Legislature regarding the proposal of zoning restrictions on new wind farms in Nebraska. Legislative Bill 373 proposes that all new wind farms will need to comply with zoning standards outlined by the Legislature instead of local county zoning boards.
  • Policy
As a small business owner, it’s vital to have internet access; that’s where 95 percent of my sales occur. YouTube videos, as well as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all require internet, and are extremely important for my business to function. Unfortunately, it is very hard to find inexpensive and reliable internet living in rural Nebraska.
  • Small Towns
Enriqueta Martinez can do it all—from creating artisan hammocks to designing wedding and quinceañera dresses to her current passion, farming.
  • Farm and Food
When Vicky Espinoza heard the Center for Rural Affairs was growing in their efforts to help the Latino community, she jumped at the chance to become part of the team. Since last fall, Vicky’s role as...
  • Small Towns
​​​​​​​Nebraska’s economy has evolved, but the state’s tax code has not. For decades, property owners have been left to fill in the gaps as the state neglects its obligation to fund schools and other public services.
  • Small Towns
Across rural America, small businesses are the heart of main street. From local coffee shops to the hardware store, these businesses employ local residents, provide important services to the community, and serve as anchors for their local economies.
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
My husband and I reside about five miles outside of McCool Junction, Nebraska, a town of about 300 residents, and, for years, have struggled with broadband access. We have been in the category of Nebraskans who didn’t have an internet subscription.
  • Small Towns
By addressing key issues in food, farm, small business, and community-level and institutional policy, there is potential to identify strengths, changes needed, and gaps in the food system. Good food...
  • Small Towns
Across the nation, farmers, ranchers, rural communities, and state leaders are finding that a key component to building a brighter future for rural America lies beneath our feet. By investing in soil health, states are creating more resilient food systems in the face of increasingly frequent extreme weather, reducing pollution and runoff in rivers and streams, and providing a long-term anchor for many rural economies.
  • Farm and Food
Commercial property assessed clean energy, or C-PACE, is a financing tool that creates opportunities for businesses and nonprofits to make clean energy improvements to their properties. Adopting this...
  • Policy
In 2017, 18 percent of Minnesota’s energy needs were met by wind energy, with 3,699 megawatts installed across the state. Nearly every wind turbine contributes tax revenue to the local community where it operates, with the contributions of installed wind energy capacity totaling $12.7 million across 27 counties in 2018.
  • Policy
Today, a vast amount of land in the U.S. is owned by those over 65 years old. Some have made their wishes clear for the future of their property. Others are courting family upheaval by not planning in concrete ways.
  • Farm and Food
The Nebraska Legislature has the opportunity to put rural communities on a level playing field with the state’s metro areas. LB 549, introduced this session, would make important investments in broadband service mapping across the state.
  • Small Towns
Nick Bergin is a big believer in superheroes. As a child, he lost himself in the fantasies written of those possessing powers beyond this world. Today, he searches for new kinds of superpowers—those...
  • Small Towns
Grocery stores are a staple on rural main streets across the country. They provide fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, staple food items, and even cleaning supplies, toiletries, and over-the-counter...
  • Small Towns
Gladys Godinez seeks out opportunities, and constantly strives to make a difference with her work—which has led to her receiving the Special Recognition Award for “outstanding vital contribution to...
  • Small Towns
From Omaha to the Panhandle, broadband access impacts every Nebraskan. From training a 21st century workforce to growing small business investment and supporting the state’s agricultural producers, our connection to broadband Internet has become a defining factor of our quality of life.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
Nebraskans spend $4.4 billion on food annually, but only 10 percent of that money is spent on food grown in the state, according to a new report from the Center for Rural Affairs and the Nebraska Food Council.
  • Small Towns
Farmers are used to adjusting for weather, but some are adjusting for climate change by planting a variety of crops, sowing cover crops and leaving land unplowed.
  • Farm and Food
Before moving back to the family farm outside Juniata, in Adams County, my husband and I lived in rural southwest Iowa.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns