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When Nebraska voters expanded Medicaid coverage last November, they recognized not only the health benefits of expanded insurance coverage, but also the economic impact of it.
- Policy
The number of Americans receiving their electricity from renewable wind energy grew rapidly in 2018, with enough installed capacity to power more than 30 million homes.
- Policy
Wyatt Fraas’ first job was in agriculture. He spent summers bucking hay bales as the wagon he rode on swayed and creaked across the field, trying to pitch him, and the bales, to the ground. Throughout...
- Small Towns
Business owners in O’Neill, Nebraska, are lucky to have Darby Paxton working on their side. Since 2016, Darby has served as the Holt County Economic Development director, and in that time he’s provided entrepreneurs in the area with countless opportunities for business growth. Darby says he’s gotten invaluable guidance and assistance through the Center for Rural Affairs.
- Lending
As a result of devastating flooding this spring, many Nebraska farmers are unable to participate in this planting season. The floodwaters have significantly damaged thousands of acres across the state, leaving farmers with financial burden and fields filled with sand and debris, rather than rows of marketable crops.
- Farm and Food
Living in the Loess Hills of Iowa most of my life, I’ve witnessed a variety of conservation concerns. With an increase in weather extremes, including heavy rain events, our highly erodible land is prone to increased erosion. This erosion often presents in the form of ephemeral gullies.
- Farm and Food
Todo lo puede hacer Enriqueta Martínez—desde fabricando hamacas artesanales, diseñando vestidos para bodas y quinceañeras, hasta realizar su pasión actual que es la agricultura.
- Farm and Food
Rural Nebraska, home to many diverse people, is now being showcased in a new book created by students and faculty at Hastings College.
- Small Towns
As nearly 40 percent of Iowa’s energy needs are met by wind, communities that host renewable energy projects are generating millions in tax revenue.
- Policy
La tenacidad de Justino Borja viene de raíces profundas. Originario de agricultores Mexicanos con experiencia de cultivar la tierra. No cabe duda que ahí es donde Justino desarrolló su amor por la familia y determinación por la tierra.
- Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs believes that strength and resilience is rooted in rural communities with diverse economic opportunities. Farmers and ranchers with diversified operations and strong environmental stewardship are an essential element of strong rural communities.
- Farm and Food
Danelle Nutt has loved jellies and jams her whole life. Little did she know one day she’d make a living preparing and selling them to eager customers all over central Nebraska. “Growing up, I had to...
- Lending
Since 2012, the state of Iowa has invested approximately $541 million to improve water quality, an estimated $4 to $6 billion problem in the state. Meanwhile, the federal government has paid Iowa farmers more than $2.76 billion for on-farm conservation practices over the past two decades.
- Policy
Conducted every five years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Census of Agriculture is a count of all U.S. farms and ranches and the producers who operate them.
- Farm and Food
On April 1, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) submitted a State Plan Amendment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for review.
- Policy
The final farm bill passed in December 2018. Now, our attention turns to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which is responsible for enacting the farm bill. Below describes how and when your...
- Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs agrees that property taxes are too high and local schools and government entities are forced to be too reliant on property taxes. This reliance upon property taxes for education and local government demands even the most comprehensive property tax relief plan receive careful scrutiny as these institutions underpin the existence of rural communities.
- Farm and Food
- Small Towns
The most recent farm bill establishes a roadmap for the cultivation of industrial hemp. Congress was right to loosen the restriction on growing this crop, a non-psychoactive relative of marijuana...
- Farm and Food
After years of debate, Nebraska lawmakers are narrowing in on a compromise bill to address rising property taxes, a move that could resolve a crisis facing many rural farmers and ranchers.
- Small Towns
Farmers are increasingly adopting renewable energy on their farms. According to the U.S. Census of Agriculture, released on April 11, 2019, solar and geothermal energy systems on farms have increased significantly since the last Census in 2012.
- Policy