Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

One of my favorite parts of this job is visiting you, hearing your stories, and being able to share them. However, planning stories for our 50th anniversary has had me thinking for three years.
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El cultivo de relevo es un sistema de manejo de cultivos que produce cultivos múltiples con temporadas de crecimiento superpuestas. El método sostenible de siembra utiliza eficientemente los recursos naturales y diversifica la producción.
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Relay cropping is a crop management system that produces multiple crops with overlapping growing seasons. The sustainable method of planting efficiently uses natural resources and diversifies production.
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If you are a woman landowner in Nebraska, you are part of the 42% of women who own or co-own land. In working with women landowners across the state of Nebraska at the Center for Rural Affairs, we have been sharing the opportunity to be empowered in land ownership. Perhaps you have newly inherited...
  • Farm and Food
This report examines the efficacy and current standing of Iowa’s Watershed Management Authorities (WMAs), intergovernmental entities formed to advance goals related to flood resiliency and water quality. Findings are based on two surveys conducted by the Center for Rural Affairs and collaborators in...
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Noticias sobre Pequeñas Empresas del Center for Rural Affairs, incluyen historias seleccionadas de éxito de empresarios de Nebraska asistidos por nuestros programas e información que puede necesitar para iniciar o expandir su negocio.
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The Center for Rural Affairs' Small Business News includes select success stories on Nebraska entrepreneurs assisted by our programs and information that you may need to start or grow your business.
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The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) specializes in supporting continued conservation on productive agricultural lands, commonly referred to as working lands. It is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) and is the largest...
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The following testimonial was written by Jon Bakehouse of Maple Edge Farm in Hastings, Iowa As a farmer and landowner in rural southwest Iowa, I am no stranger to the importance of flood mitigation and water quality. We are a family farm and have been fortunate enough to farm the same acres for six...
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A 2021 market research report estimated approximately 32,000 mobile food businesses operating in the United States. Together they employed 38,000 people and created $2.7 billion in annual revenue. Their welcome presence in communities big and small ensures nearly every American has experienced the value they offer.
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The Center for Rural Affairs is approaching a major milestone. This year, on Sept. 5, we celebrate 50 years. In 1973, we were founded by rural Nebraskans concerned about the loss of economic opportunity in agriculture and the decline of rural communities. Fifty years later, we remain focused on these issues plus more that affect rural people across the country.
  • Lending
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  • Farm and Food
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The Independent Processor Assistance Program (IPAP) is designed to improve and expand Nebraska’s meat-processing capabilities. Grants are available through the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) for new and existing small- and medium-sized meat processors to facilitate improvements or...
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The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families via an Electronic Benefits Transfer card. This card is used like a debit card to purchase eligible food in authorized retail food stores. Eligible expenses include household food...
  • Small Towns
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Cover crops are an important tool for building soil health and protecting Nebraska’s watersheds.
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Los cultivos de cobertura son una herramienta importante para mejorar la salud del suelo y proteger las cuencas hidrográficas de Nebraska.
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Cover crops are an important tool for building soil health and protecting Iowa’s watersheds.
  • Farm and Food
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Los cultivos de cobertura son una herramienta importante para mejorar la salud del suelo y proteger las cuencas hidrográficas de Iowa.
  • Farm and Food
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Cover crops are an important tool for building soil health and protecting the nation’s watersheds. However, transitioning to a rotation that includes cover crops involves some risk for producers. To alleviate this risk, federal, state, and private programs are available to assist farmers and landowners.
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Los cultivos de cobertura son una herramienta importante para mejorar la salud del suelo y proteger las cuencas hidrográficas de la nación. Sin embargo, la transición a una rotación que incluye cultivos de cobertura implica cierto riesgo para los productores. Para aliviar este riesgo, existen programas federales, estatales y privados disponibles para ayudar a los agricultores y terratenientes.
  • Farm and Food
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The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has helped Nebraska farmers achieve conservation goals on their operations for two decades. Administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), CSP provides financial and technical assistance for producers to maintain agricultural production...
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  • Farm and Food