Wind farm and corn field

Reports & Publications

We aren't afraid of the weeds. The people living in rural America deserve a serious and in-depth look at the issues and forces impacting their communities.

Los funcionarios encargados de crear o actualizar ordenanzas de energía renovable suelen verse inundados de recursos sobre ubicación mientras buscan información.
  • Policy
Officials tasked with creating or updating renewable energy ordinances are often inundated with siting resources as they seek out information.
  • Policy
Editor's note: As I write this, it’s county fair time in Nebraska. I don’t know about you, but almost everyone goes to the fair around here.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
Wind turbines are multiplying across the U.S., with most installed in rural areas. In the past decade, wind power has accounted for 27% of new energy generation. A majority of the penetration has been in the central U.S., with regional grid networks Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Midcontinent...
  • Policy
Esta serie de estudio de caso destaca a tres distintos agricultores latinos en Nebraska y cómo dirigen sus operaciones, qué producen y las lecciones que han aprendido que podrían ser útiles y educativas para otros agricultores latinos aspirantes. El Center for Rural Affairs (Centro de Asuntos Rurales) puede ayudar proporcionando recursos y oportunidades de capacitación.
  • Farm and Food
This case study series showcases Latino farmers in Nebraska. It highlights three separate farmers and how they run their operations, what they produce, and lessons they have learned that might be helpful and educational to other aspiring Latino farmers. The Center for Rural Affairs is able to assist by providing resources and training opportunities. Visit for more information.
  • Farm and Food
This case study series showcases Latino farmers in Nebraska. It highlights three separate farmers and how they run their operations, what they produce, and lessons they have learned that might be helpful and educational to other aspiring Latino farmers. The Center for Rural Affairs is able to assist by providing resources and training opportunities. Visit for more information.
  • Farm and Food
Esta serie de estudio de caso destaca a tres distintos agricultores latinos en Nebraska y cómo dirigen sus operaciones, qué producen y las lecciones que han aprendido que podrían ser útiles y educativas para otros agricultores latinos aspirantes. El Center for Rural Affairs (Centro de Asuntos Rurales) puede ayudar proporcionando recursos y oportunidades de capacitación.
  • Farm and Food
Consulte la última edición de Small Business News, repleta de recursos para emprendedores, quienes buscan ser dueños de su propio negocio y gerentes de pequeñas empresas.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
Check out the latest edition of our Small Business News packed full of resources for entrepreneurs, those looking to own their own business, and small business managers.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
Esta serie de estudio de caso destaca a tres distintos agricultores latinos en Nebraska y cómo dirigen sus operaciones, qué producen y las lecciones que han aprendido que podrían ser útiles y educativas para otros agricultores latinos aspirantes. El Center for Rural Affairs (Centro de Asuntos Rurales) puede ayudar proporcionando recursos y oportunidades de capacitación. Visite para obtener más información.
  • Farm and Food
This case study series showcases Latino farmers in Nebraska. It highlights three separate farmers and how they run their operations, what they produce, and lessons they have learned that might be helpful and educational to other aspiring Latino farmers. The Center for Rural Affairs is able to assist by providing resources and training opportunities. Visit for more information.
  • Farm and Food
As more communities begin to address energy siting and development, engaging community members in the decision-making process is important. Community engagement is crucial for the successful development of energy regulations and projects that balance community, business, and industry interests...
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Editor's note: Hiking in Minnesota is one of my favorite things to do. Its Department of Natural Resources, which runs the state parks and recreation areas, has a fun Hiking Club challenge. Almost all of the state parks have a designated Hiking Club trail, and somewhere along the trail is a sign with a password. I love this idea to scatter folks around to parks, especially lesser known or less popular parks.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
Transmission lines are like highways for electricity, moving power from where it is produced to the cities and communities needing it. Upgrading and expanding Minnesota's transmission grid offers many benefits to rural communities. Developing new transmission lines creates jobs in construction, maintenance, and operations, and enables future power-generation projects.
  • Policy
Renewable energy projects offer significant opportunities for rural communities, including the stimulation of economic growth and job creation. In recent years there have been efforts to unlock new possibilities for counties to gain additional financial and non-financial benefits from renewable...
  • Policy
Susan grew up on a small farming acreage that had a variety of animals and crops. She got interested in farming when she was in 4-H and FFA in Minnesota.
  • Farm and Food
Susan creció en una pequeña zona agrícola donde tenía una variedad de animales y cultivos. Se interesó en la agricultura cuando estaba en 4-H y FFA en Minnesota. Se casó con un granjero y se mudaron a Nebraska. Juntos querían continuar con su amor por la agricultura, lo que los llevó a crear Littlefield Family Farm.
  • Farm and Food
John was born into a farming family. He took a break for a few years during his time with the military, but farming has always been an interest. He appreciates farming because it is both challenging and rewarding.
  • Farm and Food
John nació en una familia de agricultores. Se tomó un descanso durante algunos años mientras estuvo en el ejército, pero la agricultura siempre ha sido de su interés. Aprecia la agricultura porque es a la vez desafiante y gratificante.
  • Farm and Food