Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

Blog Posts & Stories

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​​​​​​​When the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the U.S., farmers and ranchers faced financial challenges because of market prices. However, farmers are resilient, and Ron Spicka is no exception.
  • Farm and Food
They’ve been chronicling the people, places, and events of small towns for decades—some even 100 years or more. However, as social media, the internet, and other sources of information have come on the scene, community newspapers have had to fight for readers’ and advertisers’ attention.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
Small businesses continue to feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. While they are doing their best to keep the doors open, they are hurting. That is especially true in our rural towns.
  • Lending
​​​​​​​The derecho storm that hit central and eastern Iowa on Monday, Aug. 10, left a devastating swathe of damage that has residents still reeling. Many people have lost their homes, millions of acres of crops have been destroyed, and tens of thousands are still without power as Iowans work to recover from this storm.
  • Small Towns
The derecho that stormed through central and eastern Iowa on Monday, Aug. 10, left many farmers reeling. Damage spans crop destruction, equipment and building damage, and prolonged power outages. Most...
  • Farm and Food
Nebraska lawmakers took significant steps to improve rural broadband with the passage of Legislative Bills 992 and 996 in the final weeks of an unusual 2020 session, which adjourned Aug. 13.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Like many locally-owned businesses in small towns, Old Cottonwood, in Utica, Nebraska, is more than just another store—it’s the hard work, dedication, and dreams of the owners coming to fruition. From...
  • Lending
For almost four years, Anna Johnson has been the leader of the agricultural policy portfolio at the Center for Rural Affairs. Recently, she shared her thoughts on the Center’s agricultural policy...
  • Farm and Food
For farmers and ranchers who sell to local markets, crop insurance options are limited. This leads many operations to forego crop insurance as a risk management strategy, or to only insure a portion of their crops. If you are a local foods producer who would like to offer feedback or ideas about your crop insurance options, consider attending an upcoming virtual listening session.
  • Farm and Food
Many parts of Nebraska, from the Omaha metro to the panhandle, are faced with slow and unreliable connections. For those left offline the missed opportunities continue to build. Here, we've mapped some of the issues facing rural residents and communities.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
To say that we live in a challenging time is quite the understatement. For the past several months, almost everyone’s “normal” has been upended. Many of us are spending much more time at home than we ever have before. However, for people of color in this country, the spectra of widespread, systemic, and institutionalized racism remains a steadfast constant.
  • Small Towns
Community responsibility is an often cited virtue in small towns. It is a value rooted in a commitment to neighbor and community. We witnessed it in barn raisings of past generations and in volunteer...
  • Small Towns
As a child, Megan Gewecke never missed an opportunity to help others in need. Her desire to assist people eventually led Megan down the mental health career path. She is now a licensed psychologist...
  • Lending
With the national focus on the widespread impacts of the coronavirus, the normal order of things has been thrown in disarray. Annual appropriations for agricultural programs is no exception. However...
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
Growing up, Dusty VanRenan and Amanda Meier knew a thing or two about processing their own livestock.
  • Small Towns
The Center for Rural Affairs joined 25 organizations in signing a letter on July 23 requesting members of the Nebraska Legislature to establish clear and enforceable COVID-19 temporary protections for...
  • Small Towns
Former and current Center for Rural Affairs staff members contributed to this blog. Paul Olson suffered a massive heart attack at age 31 and lived. “I thought, heck, I’ve got a lifetime ahead of me,”...
  • Small Towns
After a nearly four month recess due to COVID-19 concerns, the Nebraska Legislature reconvened its 2020 session on Monday. Lawmakers returned to the legislative chambers with several safety measures in place, including plexiglass dividers and restrictions on who could be on the floor during the proceedings.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Businesses across Nebraska can now get help navigating challenges during the coronavirus pandemic through new online classes offered by the Center for Rural Affairs.
  • Lending
Input from producers and a review of the market led the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to add to and expand the list of commodities eligible for assistance under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).
  • Farm and Food