Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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Details on President Trump’s 2020 budget were released this month. In an attempt to rein in federal spending, the budget recommends a $3.6 billion cut to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Unfortunately, the proposals set forth in this budget seem far-removed from the realities rural Americans face every day.
  • Farm and Food
As a farmer in southeastern Nebraska and president of the Milford Public Schools Board of Education, I am deeply familiar with Nebraska’s property tax problem. Twenty years on a school board and even more in the field have allowed me to advocate for solutions to our senators.
  • Small Towns
Across Nebraska and Iowa, farmers, ranchers, and rural communities have been standing strong in the face of rising floodwaters. As producers rush to rescue livestock, property, equipment, and more, many may find themselves asking what resources are available after this historic natural disaster.
  • Small Towns
As renewable energy continues to bring prosperity to states with supportive policies, rural communities are in the spotlight. Solar and wind energy projects create new jobs and tax revenue in communities that host them—providing needed cash flow to many rural areas, helping them become more independent and resilient.
  • Policy
Last year, Nebraska voters passed a measure to expand Medicaid, but state officials are stumbling out of the gate to implement the plan.
  • Policy
​​​​​​​As renewable energy continues to bring prosperity to states with supportive policies, rural communities are in the spotlight. Solar and wind energy projects create new jobs and tax revenue in communities that host them, helping them become more independent and resilient.
  • Policy
Nine years ago, voters approved a statewide ballot referendum to amend the Iowa Constitution to create the Natural Resource and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. Support remains strong for paying for the trust fund with a sales tax increase.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Rural Nebraskans have finally got the attention of the Legislature in regard to broadband access. Legislative Bill 549, introduced by Sen. Tom Brandt of District 32, represents an important first step in expanding broadband to all areas of Nebraska. The bill aims to provide resources for an accurate mapping of current broadband service across the state, mapping that is long overdue.
  • Small Towns
The 2018 farm bill contains several important changes for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), the Risk Management Agency (RMA), and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and we thank Secretary Bill Northey for providing this opportunity to provide public comment on these changes.
  • Farm and Food
Over the last 83 years, much has changed in Iowa. The state has weathered a Great Recession, undergone significant demographic shifts, and grappled with a changing agricultural economy. However, one discussion has remained a hot topic for what is now the better part of a century—water quality.
  • Policy
Marilee Polacek and her daughter, Katie, didn’t plan on getting into agriculture, but now that they are, they want to treat their land right. Their farm, located outside Bruno, Nebraska, on Skull...
  • Farm and Food
Iowa's largest investor-owned utility wants to make owners of private solar power systems pay more for generating their own electricity, while opponents warn that could cause Iowa to lose its standing as a leader in promoting renewables.
  • Policy
There are few people in this world with the drive and energy to work full-time while also building their dream business from the ground up.
  • Lending
New opportunities for growth can be difficult to find in a rural community. Bringing in economic development is key to the vitality of small towns, allowing local economies to thrive, and creating jobs in rural areas.
  • Policy
In every town you’ll find people doing their best to give back to their communities, providing support for the next generation, and leading by example so that others can succeed down the line. These are the people our communities need to thrive and who are invaluable to the continued health of rural America. Jerry Fixemer is one of those people.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
The Great Plains is an area that has a bright future in renewable energy, especially in rural areas with great access to natural resources. States with wind energy potential, like North Dakota, have a chance to develop these resources and reap the benefits of being a renewable energy leader.
  • Policy
Across the nation, farmers, ranchers, and rural communities are finding that a key component to building a brighter future for rural America lies beneath our feet. Investments in soil health are creating more resilient food systems in the face of frequent extreme weather while reducing pollution in rivers and streams, and providing a long-term anchor for many rural economies.
  • Farm and Food
After working 17 years in a hospital environment, Nancy Haberstitch wanted to transition from controlling infections in health care to helping people avoid hospitalization for infection. So, she...
  • Lending
Stephanie O'Keefe always wanted to own land, but felt she didn’t have what it took to make that happen. “I did not have enough knowledge or muscle for the task,” she said. “However, it became apparent...
  • Farm and Food
Last week, state lawmakers allied with Iowa’s biggest investor-owned utility to introduce House Study Bill 185. This bill would limit the ability of farms and individuals to produce their own electricity.
  • Policy