Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

Blog Posts & Stories

What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

In our second highest viewed post of 2018, we feature a small business in Tekamah, Nebraska. Chatterbox Brews, a bar, restaurant, and event space, successfully worked with our small business loan specialists for financing. The owners have excited the community and, today, more development can be seen along Tekamah's main street. This blog is authored by Liz Daehnke, our communications consultant.
  • Lending
Today, we share number three in our top five posts countdown, a blog asking for your help. Last spring, the U.S. House of Representatives planned a vote on their version of the farm bill. This...
  • Farm and Food
The year in review countdown continues with a blog we wrote on the farm bill – a topic that dominated 2018. Coming in at number four is a breakdown of the House Agriculture Committee's version of the farm bill, written by Anna Johnson, our policy manager, in April.
  • Farm and Food
Countdown time! With less than one week remaining in 2018, a recap is in order. So, here's a review of the five best Center stories of the year, chosen by the most views on our website. Number five features a piece authored by Executive Director Brian Depew. He takes a look at banking in rural communities and talks about our lending work at the Center.
  • Lending
Wind energy projects in North Dakota have generated millions of dollars in tax revenue for rural communities over the last several years. In 2015, the projects generated $1,126,934 in electric generation tax revenue, and, in 2016, they generated $7.7 million dollars in property tax revenue.
  • Policy
Many people wonder what their community will get out of wind development, and in South Dakota, wind projects have generated more than energy. Important tax revenue for local schools, roads, and more have come from these projects.
  • Policy
Wind energy projects have proven to be an important economic development tool for counties across rural America. In Nebraska, these projects generated nearly $3 million in tax revenue for local schools – accumulating a total of $3,065,623 in 2017.
  • Policy
Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a joint letter to state and tribal regulators encouraging market-based, collaborative approaches to reduce excess nutrients in waterways.
  • Policy
As another growing season comes to a close, residents of the small Native community of Santee are prepared to continue utilizing the knowledge they’ve gained over the summer. Through assistance from...
  • Small Towns
Bev and Dwight Rutter describe their prairie farm as a hobby gone nuts. Surrounded by 600 acres of restored and native prairie grass (and hundreds of pheasants), rests Bev and Dwight’s native seed and plant nursery, The Prairie Flower, near Spencer, Iowa.
  • Policy
Congress’s compromise farm bill secures several victories for conservation, beginning farmers, and rural communities, while failing to cap payments to the largest farms or secure long-term funding for...
  • Farm and Food
An important deadline is coming up quickly for certain contract holders with the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). Farmers and ranchers who started their first CSP contract in 2014 are eligible...
  • Farm and Food
People who use and value farming-conservation practices are applauding parts of the U.S. Senate's newly passed Farm Bill. They think the legislation will benefit beginning farmers and help sustain the vitality of rural communities.
  • Farm and Food
With the 2019 legislative session just around the corner, champions of Nebraska's Beginning Farmer Tax Credit are hoping to leverage the program's success to open more land to military veterans.
  • Farm and Food
How do we increase healthy, fresh foods in rural America? One way is to identify new opportunities for people to access food. Here are five suggestions for your community. 1. Mobile grocery stores or...
  • Small Towns
For more than two decades, Ruth Chantry has been gaining farming experience, and she’s not planning to stop any time soon.
  • Farm and Food
Rural America holds a special place in Anthony Gurrola’s heart – his story began there and continues there today. Anthony says his upbringing is the perfect example of a rural environment being...
  • Small Towns
An immigration raid in very rural north central Nebraska put a spotlight on the immigration debate in rural America. The raid targeted alleged labor practice exploitation by a local employment agency...
  • Small Towns
This summer, huge green peppers were picked out of Joette Novak’s garden – the most she’s ever seen. She attributes this success to the bees placed on her land. Joette, a landowner near Brainard...
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
Bringing small towns to life, or giving them a new shot at life, is how Kathie Starkweather spends her days, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Director of the Farm and Community program at the...
  • Small Towns