Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

Mary Harding has strong feelings about public power and rural advocacy. Her passion for these issues has become the focus of her work, as she has been a member of the Nebraska Public Power District...
  • Policy
On May 24, the Center for Rural Affairs and Legal Aid of Nebraska partnered to host the second annual Answering the Call: Veteran Farm Tour. The tour is intended to facilitate networking, knowledge, and resource awareness of beginning farmers and ranchers who are veterans.
  • Small Towns
​​​​​​​Wind energy has paid off for rural areas. Whether it be new employment opportunities, additional revenue for counties, or direct payments to landowners, rural communities have received significant benefits.
  • Policy
At the age of 5, Jennafer Glaesemann already knew what she wanted to do with her life. There was no question about it – she was going to be a veterinarian. Growing up on a dairy farm, she often helped...
  • Lending
With the latest round of debate on Iowa’s water quality problem, it’s clear there are no winners and losers, just too much water. Mother Nature has carved such a destructive path, as though she doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry in anger.
  • Policy
Many farmers and ranchers value the opportunity the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) offers to enhance their existing conservation efforts, according to a survey we completed last year.
  • Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs recently led an effort to gather organizations in support of the Rural Microenterpreneur Assistance Program in the farm bill. Last week, this letter was sent to members of...
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
The Senate passed its version of the farm bill last week, by a vote of 86 to 11. The bill included a very important improvement with the inclusion of Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) proposals to make...
  • Farm and Food
Water quality and Medicaid were a few of the most talked about issues at a candidate forum recently held by the Center for Rural Affairs and the League of Women Voters of Ames and Story County. Voters were given the opportunity to ask questions in an open forum setting in Nevada, Iowa.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
The farm bill debate is underway. The Center’s farm bill priorities, released in November 2017, continue our work of addressing the real needs of rural communities: supporting family farms, preserving natural resources for our children and grandchildren, creating opportunity for the next generation of beginning farmers, and fostering rural economic opportunity.
  • Farm and Food
Corbin Delgado, policy assistant at the Center for Rural Affairs, has been tasked with knocking on the doors of hundreds of Burt County, Nebraska residents, so they can demonstrate their commitment to the state’s future.
  • Policy
​​​​​​​Nebraska is seeking to join 32 other states and the District of Columbia in expanding Medicaid. A petition drive is underway to pose the question to voters in the November general election.
  • Policy
Newly hired as chief administrative officer for the Center for Rural Affairs, Linda Butkus is no stranger to rural life. Though she grew up in the city, she’s spent many years taking hunting trips to...
  • Small Towns
Hilda Moreno and Carlos Alvarado dream of setting their children up for success through opportunity. They want to show their sons that it is important to work hard – it’s not easy, but it’s worth it.
  • Farm and Food
Every small town has that one place locals love to hang out; that business where everyone gathers. There’s something about the comfort of being in a home away from home that draws people in and keeps them coming back for more. In Tekamah, Nebraska, that business is Chatterbox Brews.
  • Lending
Anyone familiar with rural communities knows that locally-owned businesses are the jewels that make them vibrant. However, in many rural communities, entrepreneurs can struggle to establish new...
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
The farm bill is on the move. This week, the Senate will vote on a draft farm bill, but it is still missing very important changes: policy to address abuse of commodity farm programs and close major...
  • Farm and Food
Rural America is often characterized as mostly white and a place with few immigrants. Those of us who work in small towns across the country know this generalization is slowly being swept aside...
  • Small Towns
Groups across Nebraska are working to gather enough signatures by the state’s July 6 deadline to put Medicaid expansion onto the November ballot.
  • Policy
Concerns are being raised about cuts to programs in the latest version of the Farm Bill that could undermine Iowa farmers' progress on sustainable agriculture.
  • Farm and Food