Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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Unlimited crop insurance premium subsidies are a loophole that allow the largest farmers to reap the greatest benefits from government subsidy. That is why we support capping crop insurance premium...
  • Farm and Food
​​​​​​​A veteran’s sense of service and work ethic draws a distinct parallel to the skills and dedication required for successful farming and ranching.
  • Farm and Food
In our state’s rural communities, where the food that feeds the world is grown, food insecurity is endured by thousands of children, seniors, and hardworking Nebraskans. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps stave off hunger for 1 in 11 Nebraskans.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Blair Nelson, a student who works part-time, is one of more than 2.6 million American adults who are unable to access health insurance because they fall into a health insurance coverage gap.
  • Policy
During the last six years, nearly 90,000 Nebraskans have fallen into the health insurance coverage gap, as the legislature stood by and failed to extend Medicaid coverage to these seniors, parents, and hard-working residents.
  • Policy
The Center for Rural Affairs first examined consolidation in the banking industry in a 1978 report, “Where Have All the Bankers Gone?”. We have long understood the critical link between credit, who...
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
​​​​​​​The quest for the reform of Nebraska’s tax system has seemingly hit a pinnacle in 2018, with a number of tax reform bills being introduced.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
Do you know what happens in September 2018? The entire federal farm bill expires.
  • Small Towns
Wind turbines are multiplying across the U.S., and most are installed in rural areas overlooking crops, cattle, timber, and lakes. Rural communities receive several benefits from the development of wind energy, but the growth of the industry has also presented a challenge in the form of local regulations that may be insufficient or out-of-date.
  • Policy
As an intern, Lu Evergreen worked with a woman farmer who ran an organic vegetable and poultry farm in the Snoqualmie Valley Region of Washington. The seasoned owner taught Evergreen about growing...
  • Farm and Food
In the nation’s rural communities, where the food that feeds the world is grown, food insecurity is endured by millions of children, seniors, and hardworking Americans.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
The president’s fiscal year 2019 budget was released last week. This latest budget includes many proposals that would be detrimental to rural America.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
​​​​​​​Just as the debate over water quality has shifted in recent years, debates over confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in Iowa continue to ratchet up. Increasingly, these two issues are seen as intertwined; one cannot be addressed without the other. Building on our previous post, this blog looks at legislation targeting livestock production.
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
Nebraska's rural lands offer abundant opportunities for farming and ranching, and also are home to nearly half of the state's 133,000 military veterans.
  • Farm and Food
Navigating resources needed by and available to Nebraskans as they age in their homes and communities can be challenging, especially in rural areas.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
America stands to suffer as a result of President Trump’s 2019 budget, released on Feb. 12. The president has proposed again to eliminate or shrink many programs that serve rural America, including...
  • Farm and Food
A state Senate bill under consideration would scale back energy efficiency programs offered by utility companies such as home energy audits, benefits for home lighting upgrades and the rebates Iowans receive to install smart thermostats or energy-saving appliances.
  • Policy
​​​​​​​What do you love about rural communities? We asked attendees of the Practical Farmers of Iowa’s annual conference last month, when they stopped by our Center for Rural Affairs booth.
  • Farm and Food
The farm economy is once again in the midst of substantial structural changes. A major wave of consolidation in the seed and chemical industry that kicked off in 2016 continues to move forward through market and regulatory hoops.
  • Farm and Food
​​​​​​​The governor’s tax plan, LB 947, should be recognized for its attempt to address Nebraska's property tax challenge. However, this plan does little to bring balance and sound tax policy change to the state’s tax system.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns