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When attempting to overcome bias, like anything else, knowing is half the battle. While many of us are familiar with the concept of bias, having a deeper understanding of what it is and how it manifests is often the first step in circumventing the negative ramifications. Bias can limit the potential for growth, innovation, and success on both an individual and community wide level.
- Small Towns
I love the wind. I like to feel it rushing by, rustling leaves. I like to watch birds catch a breeze and take off. My son loves flying kites, and watching bubbles twisting around, showing us just how...
- Farm and Food
A big thank you goes out to everyone who contacted their representatives about the House draft of the farm bill, H.R. 2. Democracy only works through the consistent and cumulative engagement of...
- Farm and Food
Food and economic security in rural communities is directly related to community development. In many rural areas, food purchased at grocery stores is imported, and dollars spent for this food...
- Small Towns
Many farmers and ranchers can make a higher profit by processing raw agricultural commodities into “value-added” goods. For example, fruit made into jam or milk made into cheese each fetch a higher price than the base ingredients.
- Farm and Food
Today, the House of Representatives failed to pass H.R. 2, its draft of the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018, commonly known as the farm bill. Representatives voted 198 in favor and 213 against...
- Farm and Food
As farmers and ranchers in Kansas, we write to you with concerns about the future of conservation programs authorized in Title II of the Farm Bill.
- Farm and Food
Iowa’s future as a leader in renewable energy is on the ballot in 2018. As legislators head home and campaigns gear up for important primary elections, voters should call attention to key policy changes our state will face for our energy future.
- Policy
Farmers and small business owners who want to embrace renewable energy will not get any help from the federal government under the proposed farm bill headed to the U.S. House of Representatives this week.
- Farm and Food
- Policy
The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote very soon on a troubling draft of the farm bill. Their proposal would slash working lands conservation funding, open up loopholes for unlimited...
- Farm and Food
In recent past, the Great Plains has experienced extreme weather conditions. Most recently, we witnessed very high winds combined with dry conditions, resulting in dust clouds reminiscent of the 1930s.
- Farm and Food
The House Agriculture Committee has proposed and voted for a new version of the farm bill. Unfortunately, their proposed bill fails rural Nebraskans.
- Farm and Food
For nearly 20 years, Kim Preston has been part of the Center for Rural Affairs team. During that time, she has taken on different roles, and made each one her own. In 1999, Preston started her career...
- Lending
Becoming a business owner can be a challenging process, especially if the fate lies on the shoulders of new owners. Family members of Lane and Melanie Seifert opened ABC Blinds & Shades in Scottsbluff...
- Lending
A couple decades ago, a movement for tolerance wove itself across the nation. A few years ago, everything needed to be “politically correct.” In 2016, implicit bias moved to the top of political conversations.
- Small Towns
Small businesses are a key element of Nebraska's economy, supporting the jobs of nearly half of the workers in the state. Many resources are available to help wannabe small-business owners make their vision a reality.
- Lending
In 2013, Iowa launched the Water Quality Initiative, an action plan to meet the goals of the Nutrient Reduction Strategy to cut pollution and hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. The initiative urges farmers, landowners and city residents to voluntarily adopt conservation practices that fit their unique needs and landscapes.
- Farm and Food
- Policy
RhinoSaurusRex Knits is an online store that specializes in whimsical hats and scarves for children and playful grown ups. Some of the hats resemble dragons, unicorns, or owls, and all are created from original patterns.
- Lending
Are we biased? The short answer is yes – everyone is, like it or not. Our brains categorize people based on what we’ve learned from our family, community, television, social media, and other sources.
- Small Towns
I wanted to learn more about the practice of prescribed burn (sometimes referred to as controlled burn) as it relates to our work with women farmer and landowner learning circles. So, I caught up with...
- Policy
- Farm and Food