Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

Josh Nelson, of Belmond, Iowa, has used cover crops for three years. In that time, he has witnessed better yields and water filtration on his land. He also learned a few lessons, which he shared at a recent field day hosted by Practical Farmers of Iowa.
  • Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs Board of Directors voted to back the Nebraska Medicaid expansion ballot campaign at their recent quarterly meeting. Insure The Good Life, a collection of local health care...
  • Policy
The goals of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS) focus on both point and nonpoint sources of pollution. Point sources likely come from industrial or sewage treatment plants, and nonpoint sources are dilute and come from water runoff.
  • Policy
Three development projects in Kansas, Wisconsin, and Minnesota show how states manage revenues and tax assessments from transmission lines in different ways. Center for Rural Affairs policy associate...
  • Policy
Food that feeds the world is grown in our nation’s small towns, where food insecurity is endured by millions of children, seniors, and hardworking, rural Americans. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), helps stave off hunger in one in six rural households.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
The House Agriculture Committee released its first version of the farm bill on April 11. Unfortunately, the proposal included steep cuts to conservation, ignored the need for capping crop insurance...
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
Native communities, such as Santee, Nebraska, the principal village of the Santee Sioux Reservation in Knox County, often lack access to the fresh fruits and vegetables necessary for healthy living...
  • Small Towns
The released draft of the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018, commonly known as the farm bill, has several proposals of concern for rural America. The draft bill was released yesterday by the House...
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
The House Agriculture Committee released their first draft of the farm bill today. We’ll share a statement about the content as soon as we can. Below are a few details on the process and a reminder of...
  • Farm and Food
Memories of Colombian fruit and juice stands inspire the restaurant, FRUIT, in Grand Island, Nebraska. Husband and wife business partners, Diego Leon and Jenny Lopez, recreate vibrant and unique...
  • Lending
A major wave of consolidation that kicked off in 2016 continues to move forward with the U.S. Department of Justice allowing chemical producer Bayer to acquire the U.S. based seed company Monsanto...
  • Farm and Food
Veggies only have to travel about five blocks from field to students' plates at East Butler Public Schools in Brainard, Nebraska. Fox Run Farms, a family-run operation on the edge of Brainard...
  • Small Towns
Earlier this week, your calls and emails helped stall LB 947, the governor's irresponsible tax bill. Thank you! But, efforts are underway to try to revive the bill and bring LB 947 back to the floor for debate.
  • Small Towns
The top concern for small businesses in Kansas is marketing, according to a report released in January by the Center for Rural Affairs and Kansas Hispanic & Latino American Affairs Commission. “The...
  • Lending
As they work to determine the best way to bring property-tax relief to Nebraskans, state lawmakers are debating a bill this week backed by Gov. Pete Ricketts.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
Advocates of sustainable agriculture are urging Congress to pass a farm bill that backs stronger farming conservation practices.
  • Farm and Food
Early next week, the Nebraska Legislature is scheduled to take up debate on LB 947, the governor’s tax cut plan. LB 947 cuts taxes for corporations and offers delayed property tax relief in the form of an unfunded tax credit.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
Three Midwest farmers recently met with their legislators in Washington D.C., to discuss conservation and beginning farmer policy in the next farm bill. On March 7, farmers Mariel Barreras, Cameron...
  • Farm and Food
Last week, Congress passed its spending bill for this year, which funds the federal government through Sept. 30, 2018. We were very glad to see that it provides support for rural America. First...
  • Farm and Food
Rural places are close to my heart because I have seen the value of them firsthand. I am from Monticello, Iowa, which is a town of about 4,000 people, three stop lights, and one grocery store.
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns