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When Ana Carlota Mendez found herself between a rock and a hard place in terms of employment, she decided to start her own small business as a seamstress, something she’s been practicing since she was 7 years old.
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Cuando Ana Carlota Méndez se encontró entre la espada y la pared en términos de empleo, decidió iniciar su propio pequeño negocio como costurera, algo que ha estado practicando desde que tenía 7 años.
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Molly Herman, a rural public health worker at a health department in Nebraska, stepped into her role in this field not long after the coronavirus spread throughout the nation. She recently received both doses of the vaccine, and says she had plenty of reasons to do so.
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I have been involved in a number of different aspects of the production side of beef agriculture for my entire life. I grew up on a family ranch in the Sandhills, was employed in sale barns and feedyards as I worked my way through college, and have worked on a variety of cattle ranches before owning and operating my own business, Broken Arrow Cattle Co.
  • Farm and Food
On Feb. 12, a 4 million gallon waste tank sprung a leak at the AltEn ethanol plant in Mead, which sits a half hour north of Lincoln. The toxic brew of manure and waste material from the tank spread into waterways and culverts for more than four miles.
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​​​​​​​In recent years, there has been an increase in cover crop implementation across the U.S. due, in part, to federal and state programs offering financial and technical assistance.
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The legislative session is coming to a close. March 11 was Day 36 of South Dakota’s 37-day session. The last date for bills or joint resolutions to pass both houses was March 8. The 37th day of the session is March 29, which is reserved for gubernatorial vetoes.
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La comunidad de Schuyler, Nebraska, ha acogido y apoyado a los dueños de negocios Luis Salinas, su hermano José y su padre, Cristóbal, desde que abrieron su restaurante, Burrito House. Han ofrecido a sus clientes platillos favoritos mexicanos como burritos, chimichangas, enchiladas y más durante casi dos décadas.
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The community of Schuyler, Nebraska, has embraced and supported business owners Luis Salinas, his brother Jose, and their father, Cristobal, since they opened their restaurant, Burrito House. They’ve offered their customers Mexican favorites like burritos, chimichangas, enchiladas, and more for nearly two decades.
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A major legislative deadline, known as the “first funnel,” has come and gone at the Iowa Legislature. The first funnel deadline stipulates that bills must have made it out of their committee of origin by Friday, March 5.
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Late February and early March saw the majority of hearings wrapping up, with a few final hearings before the Judiciary Committee being held this week.
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For nearly half a century, the Center for Rural Affairs has worked toward ensuring a better future for Nebraska’s family farmers and ranchers, new business owners and rural communities.
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Energy costs frequently make up a substantial portion of the monthly expenses for small businesses. This is especially true in rural areas, where energy—the percentage of income spent on energy—is on average higher than in urban areas.
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Even though Kent Ewing was busy running other businesses, when the residents of Gering, Nebraska, lost their only grocery store, he stepped up to make sure community members had what they needed to get by.
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Frustrated by the lack of internet service for his home in rural Antelope County, Nebraska Mike Tabbert just wanted to find someone who would listen. So, he picked up the phone and started calling every acronym in the book—the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), FTC (Federal Trade Commission), and NTCA (the Rural Broadband Association), as well as his representatives in Lincoln and Washington, D.C.
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Iowa has taken steps to prevent floods following historic disasters in recent decades. At the center of these efforts are local coordinators, working to keep jurisdictions on the same page. Now, a proposal is being offered to better fund these positions. As lawmakers craft the next state budget, they're being asked to include grants for full-time coordinators in areas known as Watershed Management Authorities.
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The coronavirus pandemic has caused many Nebraska businesses to shutter, and is forcing others to pause plans for future growth. Nebraska lawmakers are considering proposed updates to the state's Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit Act, originally passed in 2005.
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Each of the past several elections has thrust rural people into the media spotlight. Rural and urban people are divided, the pundits tell us. Neither understands the lives of the other, the news...
  • Small Towns
While Nebraska’s smallest businesses continue to face uncertainty as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nebraska Legislature’s Revenue Committee had a decision to make. Should they improve a program that incentivizes small business growth and encourages investment and job creation? Or is the better decision to eliminate that program for good?
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Pasar tiempo con la familia es una prioridad para Marina Gómez y sus hijas, Wendy Alfaro y Marta Gómez. Las tres mujeres siempre han apreciado el tiempo que pasaron horneando juntas como familia. Su amor por crear pasteles y confitería es tan fuerte que los llevó a abrir su propio negocio.
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