Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

Blog Posts & Stories

What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

The amount of property taxes collected in Nebraska is nearly double the totals collected for either sales or income taxes. It is the largest source of revenue for the state’s schools, as well as for local and county government services.
  • Farm and Food
The development of renewable wind energy provides significant benefits to rural communities. We've mapped a few wind development stories from the Midwest and Great Plains.
  • Policy
A report from the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project got me thinking about the rural development potential of transforming the energy sector. The report outlines pathways to reduce carbon pollution...
  • Policy
Sharon Freemont sits on a stool in the evening, weeding the garden. Sometimes her three grandchildren join her. The garden is surrounded by high grass, and beyond that, fields, shaded in the evening...
  • Small Towns
There was much discussion last spring in Nebraska Legislature about whether we should find a way to help people in our state who fall into the health coverage gap to finally afford health insurance. Unfortunately, our state leaders again failed to capitalize on a solution to this ongoing problem.
  • Policy
Justin Doerr left the Army after serving overseas and knew he wanted to farm for his civilian career. He is big on planning, so he attended farm tours and webinars across three states to prepare for...
  • Farm and Food
Every morning I get up at sunrise and I get my paint horse (whose name is “Paint”) saddled up and go out in my pasture and check on cows and calves.
  • Small Towns
Tacos vs. smoked ribs. Frozen treats vs. salads. Hundreds flocked to downtown Norfolk, Neb., on a warm Friday evening in late July for a taste of local food and local music. The focus? Food Truck...
  • Lending
Last November, with the help of a USDA Rural Business Development Grant, the Center launched the Rural Food Business Growth project providing technical assistance and resources, along with a helpline...
  • Small Towns
Their farmhouse door was one of many that Horizon Energy Services staff members knocked on when they went door-to-door asking if anyone would be interested in a wind farm in McLean County, Illinois.
  • Policy
I had thought nothing of it when our conversation grew louder to compensate for the sound of my dad’s lawnmower starting. Occasionally Dad, when he wants to do something, will randomly get up and mow the area in which the activity is to take place.
  • Small Towns
'Tis the season for ears of corn coming out of our ears! One of the many benefits of living in rural America - particularly in the corn belt - is the abundance of sweet corn during the late summer.
  • Farm and Food
​​​​​​​In Mower County, Minn., money received from local wind farms will be devoted to roads. The county board recently voted on the decision, responding to calls from local residents for more money in the roads fund.
  • Policy
There is nothing better than slicing up a big, juicy, garden tomato fresh off the vine. However, some may not have the means to grow fresh vegetables in their backyards. At the Center for Rural...
  • Small Towns
This summer the Center for Rural Affairs staff has been traveling Nebraska to visit with state legislative candidates. June marked the kickoff of visits.
  • Farm and Food
Electricity is essential for our communities, businesses and households. Nebraska is the only public power state, giving Nebraskans the ability to elect board members that represent our interests and needs, and be leaders for Nebraska’s energy future.
  • Policy
This August, we salute our four-legged canine friends and Rural America as we celebrate Dog Days of Summer. We need your help. Our goal is to raise $10,000 by Aug. 31. The funds will be distributed...
  • Small Towns
After providing a lesson in the kindergarten classroom, we cut the lettuce to put in the school lunch program. Two students started jumping up and down saying “Yes! We get a salad for snack today!”
  • Small Towns
“We are unapologetically rural,” said Brian Depew – Executive Director who is leading the center on a host of rural issues. One of their ongoing battles impacts nearly every, single farmer across the nation – Federal Crop Insurance Reform.
  • Farm and Food
A farmer and longtime friend of the Center for Rural Affairs is retiring from his farm and ranch operation in the dryland area of Montezuma County, Colorado. The seller is interested in transitioning...
  • Farm and Food