Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

Blog Posts & Stories

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In our second highest viewed post of 2023, we feature one of our Beginning Farmer Conservation Fellows. A group of eight work to incorporate conservation methods with a final project. James Keeley...
  • Farm and Food
Today, we share number three in our top five blog posts countdown, a story about a military veteran who, in his retirement, is enjoying a second career of agriculture at his home near Douglas...
  • Farm and Food
The year in review countdown continues with a blog featuring a grocery store owner who came across an old building with a sense of nostalgia. Coming in at number four is a blog on Alejandro Macias...
  • Lending
Welcome to the end-of-year countdown. To celebrate the end of 2023 and the new year, we are taking a look at the top blogs of the year. Starting today through Dec. 31, we'll review the five best...
  • Lending
As 2023 wraps up and the Center for Rural Affairs’ 50-year anniversary winds down, be sure to check out our special video commemorating our past, present, and future. The video is below and you can...
  • Small Towns
Board Member Barbara Dilly, of Shellrock, Iowa, was inspired by the Center for Rural Affairs' 50 years and wrote a song. A big thank you to the Root Marm Chicken Farm Jug Band for writing music to go along with these lyrics.
  • Small Towns
En el ajetreo y el bullicio de la temporada navideña, es importante apartar algo de tiempo para cuadrar las finanzas de fin de año de su negocio. Tenemos algunos excelentes consejos que le ayudarán a preparar su pequeño negocio para un nuevo año exitoso y resiliente.
  • Lending
In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s important to remember to set aside some time to square away your business’s year-end finances. We’ve got some great tips to help set your small business up for a successful and resilient new year.
  • Lending
The expansion of wind generation has been, and continues to be, a boon for rural development. Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of electricity across the nation. Several Midwest states, including Nebraska, are leading the charge in its development, according to recent reports from the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Policy
The expansion of wind generation has been, and continues to be, a boon for rural development. Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of electricity across the nation. Several Midwest states, including Iowa, are leading the charge in its development, according to recent reports from the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Policy
The expansion of wind generation has been, and continues to be, a boon for rural development. Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of electricity across the nation. Several Midwest states, including South Dakota, are leading the charge in its development, according to recent reports from the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Policy
The expansion of wind generation has been, and continues to be, a boon for rural development. Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of electricity across the nation. Several Midwest states, including Minnesota, are leading the charge in its development, according to recent reports from the U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Policy
This blog is part of our “Farm Bill Bulletin” series, which provides intermittent updates on the development and status of our nation’s next farm bill. Small business lenders from across the U.S. have...
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Maite Arce works to build up Latino voices so they can be heard in conservation policy and stewardship, and to expand access to community resources. She established the Hispanic Access Foundation focused on issues including community access, financial literacy, improving health outcomes for Latinos, developing and supporting Latino leaders, and more.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
A medida que termina el último mes de 2023, Erin Schoenberg reflexiona sobre lo que los seguidores del Centro han dicho acerca de lo que hace que el Centro sea especial para ellos. Y antes de que se escape el tiempo, seguidores como usted tienen una oportunidad más de hacer algo especial para fortalecer el trabajo para un futuro rural más brillante.
  • Small Towns
As the final month of 2023 winds down, Erin Schoenberg reflects back on what supporters have had to say of what makes the Center special to them. And before any more time slips away, supporters like you have one more opportunity to do something special to strengthen our advocacy efforts, diversify our lending services, and develop creative partnerships to build a brighter rural future.
  • Small Towns
There's a new resource for Nebraska communities and organizations facing environmental justice issues: the Heartland Environmental Justice Center (HEJC) at Wichita State University. WSU received one of 17 Environmental Protection Agency grants to establish an Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center.
  • Small Towns
Organic certification can be a valuable economic avenue for farmers to pursue, as it allows them to access both new markets and higher price premiums. However, many farmers either are not familiar...
  • Farm and Food
Sara Brubacher’s interest in plants, food, and farming has evolved over the past few years. She wanted to learn more about conservation practices she could implement on her farm, so she applied for and was accepted into the Center's Beginning Farmer Conservation Fellowship Program.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
When applying for organic certification from USDA, farmers first need to create an Organic System Plan that describes how their farming, handling, and/or processing practices meet organic standards. Here are six standards to consider when working to get certified organic.
  • Farm and Food