What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.
We congratulate you on your nomination and confirmation as Secretary of Agriculture. We write to you emphasizing United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs that support economic growth and environmental health in rural communities. We hope you recognize these opportunities to impact rural communities.
- Farm and Food
- Lending
A fun beading workshop was held at the Nebraska Indian Community College in Santee on April 5. Beaders Deanna James and Emma Stumblingbear demonstrated different beading techniques, as well as shared patterns for beaded moccasins and earrings.
- Small Towns
How does Nebraska’s tax burden balance out? A recent report from the Center for Rural Affairs explores the tax burden in 13 Nebraska counties.
- Farm and Food
- Small Towns
Imagine you feel strongly about an issue, but don’t know how to take steps to get involved. Or you want to run for a seat on a local committee that might benefit from your voice or input. You feel you...
- Farm and Food
- Lending
- Small Towns
We salute rural entrepreneurs during National Small Business Week, April 30 to May 6, 2017. This annual event has been held since 1963 and recognizes the hard work, dedication, and contributions of...
- Lending
The Great Plains has a bright future in renewable energy, especially in rural areas where there is abundant space and resources are plentiful.
- Policy
It is with a heavy heart that I write to share the news that Jeff Reynolds passed away unexpectedly on April 20, 2017. Jeff directed the Center's small business development program, the Rural...
- Lending
Totally Rural is a brand new podcast dedicated to increasing awareness and expanding the discussion of rural issues. The Center for Rural Affairs had the honor of appearing on its second podcast...
- Farm and Food
- Lending
Small scale entrepreneurship is a proven strategy to revitalize rural communities. Owning one’s own business can create genuine opportunity across rural America with the support of a modest public...
- Lending
Nebraskans are left to sit upon an unbalanced three-legged tax stool. The property tax leg is too long, representing more than 35 percent of the state’s tax revenues.
- Farm and Food
- Small Towns
The Center for Rural Affairs recently released “Pathways to Land Access,” a report by Anna Johnson with support from Glen Ready. The paper is a study of the Conservation Reserve Program - Transition...
- Farm and Food
Dear Gov. Branstad, Lt. Gov. Reynolds, and Iowa lawmakers, We, the undersigned, oppose any proposal to eliminate funding and authority for the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. While the...
- Farm and Food
The Nebraska Legislature is scheduled to begin debate on LB 461 later this week. Tucked within this compilation bill, posed to cut income and corporate tax rates, is a proposal to change the way agricultural and horticultural land is valued.
- Farm and Food
- Small Towns
My wife Melanie and I farm in southwest Iowa close to Stanton. Currently, I serve as a supervisor in Montgomery County and also I am the board president for Practical Farmers of Iowa. Practical Farmers was founded in 1985 in the middle of the farm crisis.
- Farm and Food
Three years ago, Matt and Emely Hendl didn’t picture themselves as farmers. They thought Emely would support their family with her government service job after Matt retired after 20 years in the U.S...
- Farm and Food
Urgent Update! The Iowa legislature has scheduled a public hearing at the Capitol for 10 a.m. on Monday. The hearing provides an opportunity for Iowans to weigh in on the 2018 budget, which cuts several programs we support.
- Farm and Food
The U.S. continues to develop new clean and renewable energy resources to replace aging, carbon-emitting generating facilities. Lightly populated rural areas provide ample space for this new development, namely wind energy.
- Small Towns
- Policy
Joe and Carol Schmieding’s property included a waterway and a driveway running along its east side. Land east of the parcel sold in 2001. The exact location of the property line was not determined, so the couple and their new neighbors agreed to share the driveway.
- Farm and Food
Water quality management, flood prevention, beginning farmer resources, and sustainable agriculture research are on the chopping block at the Iowa legislature!
- Farm and Food
- Policy
May 5 is an important upcoming deadline for farmers and ranchers who are enrolled in the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). CSP is a national voluntary stewardship incentives program administered...
- Farm and Food