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Ciro Cortez ha trabajado en la industria restaurantera desde que era un lavaplatos de 16 años en California. Cuatro meses más tarde, fue ascendido a ayudante de cocina, luego a cocinero, y siguió ascendiendo en los rangos culinarios hasta convertirse en chef a cargo de una cocina completa.
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Ciro Cortez has worked in the restaurant industry since he was a 16-year-old dishwasher in California. Four months later, he was promoted to kitchen assistant, then to cook, and he kept rising through the culinary ranks until he was a chef in charge of an entire kitchen.
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It’s official—this year’s Iowa legislative session has come to a close. Legislators wrapped up just after midnight last Wednesday, May 25, after two marathon days of passing bills. Two Center priorities in particular fared well in the final days of the session.
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Investments in renewable energy and efficiency provide opportunities for business owners to reduce costs and improve their bottom line. Additionally, when commercial energy users cut usage and invest in efficiency, emissions reductions can be achieved.
  • Policy
Las fincas y ranchos rurales tienen una relación recíproca con su medio ambiente. La salud del suelo, el agua suficiente y las temperaturas adecuadas tienen un papel en el desarrollo de cultivos o animales.
  • Farm and Food
Rural farms and ranches have a reciprocal relationship with their environment. Soil health, sufficient water, and proper temperatures all have a part in bringing crops or animals to fruition.
  • Policy
A recent report issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reaffirms the importance of climate action in rural communities, calling on those communities to adapt to and mitigate climate impacts to preserve their own prosperity and protect food and energy security globally.
  • Policy
Conservation efforts can be rewarding for farmers and lead to healthier soil and increased yields. Many of these efforts are supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP).
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  • Farm and Food
Desde un trabajo de verano en la escuela secundaria en Idaho hasta una carrera de toda la vida en Iowa, el entusiasmo y la experiencia que Randall Cass tiene en todo lo relacionado con las abejas lo ha ayudado a darse cuenta de lo afortunado que es de haber encontrado un puesto en la Universidad Estatal de Iowa (ISU),
  • Farm and Food
From a high school summer job in Idaho to a lifelong career in Iowa, the enthusiasm and experience Randall Cass has in all things bee-related has helped him realize how fortunate he is to have found a position at Iowa State University (ISU), where his job as a bee extension specialist lets him to do both research and extension.
  • Farm and Food
Desde su comunidad hasta su carrera, su familia y más allá, Brissa Borjas Esparza se esfuerza por retribuir y tratar a los demás con amabilidad y con un corazón abierto.
  • Small Towns
From her community to her career to her family and beyond, Brissa Borjas Esparza strives to give back and treat others with kindness and an open heart.
  • Small Towns
With the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure law last November—a $1.3 trillion investment in our nation’s infrastructure—major funding is now available to rural communities.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Kayla Bergman, policy manager for the Center for Rural Affairs, joined members of the RE-AMP Network’s Agriculture Hub Project Team, in releasing a report focused on the nexus of climate change and agriculture in the Midwest.
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Desde dirigir un negocio como pasatiempos de pastelería hasta ser dueña de un exitoso café, Lynsi Steed está viviendo su mejor vida y amando ser su propia jefa.
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From running a pastry hobby business to owning a successful coffee shop, Lynsi Steed is living her best life and loving being her own boss.
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Large or small, all farms and ranches are important to our country’s agriculture sector. Every five years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts the Census of Agriculture.
  • Farm and Food
Grandes o pequeñas, todas las fincas y ranchos son importantes para el sector agrícola de nuestro país. Cada cinco años, el Servicio Nacional de Estadísticas Agrícolas (NASS) del Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. realiza el Censo de Agricultura. El objetivo es obtener un recuento completo de las granjas y ranchos estadounidenses y las personas que los operan.
  • Farm and Food
More than half of the farmland in the U.S. is owned or co-owned by women. In Nebraska, women own or co-own 42% of farmland.
  • Farm and Food
We’re two weeks past the 100-day mark, and there is no clear end to the legislative session in sight. Last week, the House and Senate conducted limited business, wrapping up their work on Tuesday afternoon. Lawmakers’ most significant remaining responsibility is passing a budget, which they must do before the end of the fiscal year, June 30.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy