Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

Most farmers have interesting stories about how they made the journey to farming. Kelsey Jones, Lyle Marotz, and their baby, Phoenix, are no different. They are in their third year of marketing...
  • Farm and Food
Solar energy projects are becoming more common across Iowa, and they present an undeniable opportunity for rural communities. Solar energy generates increased tax revenue for the county and reliable lease payments to landowners.
  • Policy
Nebraska’s agricultural economy relies on soil and water, so when the quality of those natural resources are in jeopardy, so too is the health of our state at large. Since the beginning of modern agriculture, Nebraska has lost nearly one-third of its topsoil.
  • Policy
  • Farm and Food
A little-known Iowa program continues to pave the way for local coordination for flood-prevention strategies, and backers of the initiative are emphasizing there is an opportunity this year to enhance funding.
  • Policy
Small grain producers were the focus of two roundtable discussions hosted by the Center for Rural Affairs in November. Thanks to funding from a U.S. Department of Agriculture Extension Risk Management...
  • Farm and Food
Shawn Fernau began working in the construction industry long before he knew he’d make a career out of it and become a business owner.
  • Lending
When a parking lot in front of a small business was in desperate need of improvement, the Center for Rural Affairs was able to assist. However, due to the amount needed, the funds were split from two separate sources.
  • Lending
The U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Justice (DOJ) recently launched an online tool designed to help farmers and ranchers submit anonymous comments about anticompetitive behavior in the meat and poultry industries.
  • Farm and Food
Nebraska lawmakers are set to hear a measure Friday which would tap unspent federal COVID relief dollars to help address what some are calling a health-professional staffing crisis.
  • Small Towns
Also published in the Sheridan County Journal Star Agricultural producers and rural small business owners looking to improve their energy efficiency or install clean energy infrastructure can receive...
  • Policy
We’re in the fifth week of Iowa’s legislative session, which so far has been busy with the introduction of bills and subcommittee work before a Feb. 18 funnel deadline.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Today is Day 19 of South Dakota’s 38-day legislative session. We have been watching bills that impact renewable energy, broadband, home processed foods, and more. The last day for bill introduction...
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Floor debate and committee hearings are in full swing. The Nebraska Legislature has a lot of work to do in this short session and it is expected that bills will need a priority designation to see any time on the floor for debate.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
When declining population plagues a rural community, it has a precipitous effect on the quality of life of those who remain. Rural areas are often safe, affordable, and full of opportunity, but people don’t want to move somewhere that sacrifices quality of life.
  • Small Towns
A new federal program is offering grant funding for rural communities to develop community renewable energy projects.
  • Policy
Las pequeñas empresas enfrentan desafíos a diario y el nuevo año no es una excepción. Con el estrés que viene junto con el final de las vacaciones, algunos propietarios de pequeñas empresas se vuelven vulnerables a los prestamistas depredadores que los atacan con préstamos que parecen demasiado buenos para ser verdad.
  • Lending
Celebrate #LoveRuralAm month with us this February. What do you love about rural America? Is it a rustic barn, a bustling main street, or a lively small town community? How about your local library, a...
  • Small Towns
En el 2019, Frank Villegas logro hacer algo con lo que siempre había soñado: comenzó su propio negocio en los Estados Unidos.
  • Lending
In 2019, Frank Villegas was able to do something he’d always dreamed of: He started his own business in the U.S. FV Logistics, Frank’s trucking company, operates out of Columbus, Nebraska, and specializes in refrigerated transport.
  • Lending
For Nebraska’s small business owners, the past two years have been anything but easy. From forced closures to supply chain disruptions, entrepreneurs are seeing a new challenge at every turn. The Nebraska Legislature will have an opportunity to provide some much needed stability with two bills scheduled to appear in front of the Appropriations Committee in February.
  • Lending