Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

Blog Posts & Stories

What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

Today, we share number three in our top five posts countdown, one of our executive director's essays. Brian Depew writes about economic development in rural communities, taking a look at discount...
  • Small Towns
The year in review countdown continues with a blog featuring two entrepreneurs who have worked to open an exercise center with the help of a Center loan. Coming in at number four is a blog on Megan...
  • Lending
The end of 2021 is near, and what better way to celebrate than to review the top blogs of the year. Starting today through the end of the year, we'll review the five best Center stories of the year...
  • Farm and Food
With the Biden administration focused on addressing climate change, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced plans for the Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry Partnership Initiative.
  • Farm and Food
On a chilly September afternoon, a flock of Targhee/Rambouillet cross sheep quietly wander the grounds of an 18-acre solar garden site in southwestern Minnesota. The sheep are fulfilling a duty known as “solar grazing,” which uses livestock to manage vegetation at solar sites.
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
En una fría tarde de septiembre, un rebaño de ovejas cruzadas Targhee/Rambouillet se pasea tranquilamente por los terrenos de un jardín solar de 18 acres en el suroeste de Minnesota. Las ovejas están cumpliendo un deber conocido como "pastoreo solar", que utiliza el ganado para manejar la vegetación en los sitios solares.
  • Farm and Food
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​​​​​​​Advocates for independent rural farmers are urging state lawmakers to beef up mom-and-pop meat processing and storage capacity using American Rescue Plan dollars.
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
Farmers around the U.S. are eligible for up to $5,000 in grants to use on projects to grow their operations or to protect farmland.
  • Farm and Food
The Iowa Solar Energy System Tax Credit is expiring at the end of the year, and the state has decided that it will not pay out the credits to applicants currently on the waiting list for residential projects. Applicants, many of whom have waited more than a year, invested in these systems with an expectation of receiving this tax credit, and the state is failing to uphold its side of a deal.
  • Policy
Nearly every Nebraskan is now served by an electric utility committed to supplying clean, sustainable energy.
  • Policy
Southwest Minnesota has always been the heart of Molly Malone’s family. Born and raised in the same area as her parents and grandparents, Molly grew up in the small farming community of Currie.
  • Small Towns
In today’s world, having access to the internet has become just as important as other utilities South Dakotans have come to rely on, such as electricity, water and sewer. It is critical to business, farms and ranches, the education of young people and health care services.
  • Small Towns
Small businesses face challenges on a daily basis and the holiday season is no exception. With the stress that comes with the holiday season, some small business owners become vulnerable to predatory lenders who target them with loans that seem too good to be true.
  • Lending
Lyons, Nebraska, is not only home to the Center for Rural Affairs, it’s also the hometown of Rhea Landholm, the Center’s brand marketing and communications manager.
  • Small Towns
Solar energy has been on the rise for years. The industry has attracted massive amounts of investment, and the costs associated with the generation and distribution of solar energy have plummeted.
  • Policy
My parents owned and operated a small-town grocery store in Decatur, Nebraska, and I spent my early childhood roaming the aisles, "helping" and raiding the candy section when no one was looking. I remember how dedicated my parents were, both to the community and their own personal success.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
The proposed Build Back Better bill is getting attention for a host of funding possibilities, including one area flying under the radar: sustainable agriculture.
  • Farm and Food
Students with culinary aspirations had an opportunity to link food and culture in a week-long course this summer. Among sessions on kitchen safety, they prepared dishes featuring traditional Indigenous ingredients and flavors such as buffalo, elk, squash, and wild rice.
  • Small Towns
With his administration focused on addressing climate change, President Joe Biden, as part of an executive order signed in January, requested that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) come up with a plan. In response, starting in May, USDA sought public comments on how their agency should respond.
  • Policy
  • Farm and Food
Mel and Jan Gimbel, who own Wolf Creek Ranch LLC near Ree Heights, South Dakota, have been enrolled in CSP for four years. Organic since 2008, the couple couldn’t resist the opportunity to take part in a program that incentivized their conservation goals and desire to grow healthy food.
  • Policy
  • Farm and Food