Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

The Center for Rural Affairs strives to advocate for pragmatic, well-researched solutions to problems that impact rural areas. As such, we employ a politically diverse staff and work with rural people from all over the political spectrum.
  • Policy
We heard concerns from small business owners and providers across Nebraska in our latest biennial Small Business Needs Assessment survey. We sat down with Randy Kissinger, Nebraska Department of Labor Regional Manager, to address one of them: Nebraska businesses are inhibited from growing because of the lack of employees.
  • Lending
Women business owners gathered in Grand Island on April 12 for a Women Entrepreneur Conference hosted by the Women’s Business Center and the Nebraska District Office of the Small Business Administration.
  • Lending
​​​​​​​Do transmission lines negatively impact human and animal health? Mounting research shows we have no cause for concern.
  • Policy
Housing in small towns would take care of itself, or so I used to believe. If we could get employment, education, health care, and quality of life right, the market would surely solve housing. In many...
  • Small Towns
A week after the country received a budget proposal that would slash funding for USDA rural development, cut farm conservation programs, and exacerbate hunger in rural communities, the news broke that President Trump is expected to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
The Center for Rural Affairs has chosen Aida Olivas, of Hastings, Neb., to receive its 2016 Bob Steffen Pioneer Award. She was recognized at an award ceremony on March 10 in York, Neb. The Bob Steffen...
  • Small Towns
Amidst the turbulent political times for immigrants in our country, the Center for Rural Affairs reiterates its commitment to advancing a set of values that reflects the best of rural America.
  • Small Towns
​​​​​​​Think about the last time you drove into a major city. Chances are you traveled on a highway that allowed many cars to travel quickly to their general destination.
  • Policy
President Trump’s budget released on May 23 demonstrates his lack of understanding and prioritization of the struggles of rural communities. Although Trump won the presidency with broad support from...
  • Farm and Food
  • Small Towns
​​​​​​​The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has formally began the process to withdraw the Clean Water Rule, as prescribed by executive order. Meetings among the EPA, governors, and other state and local environmental regulators have begun.
  • Policy
Chuck and Barb Francis, of Lincoln, Neb., received the Center for Rural Affairs’ 2016 Seventh Generation Award at an awards ceremony on March 10 in York, Neb. The Seventh Generation Award is a...
  • Small Towns
With your help, the Center for Rural Affairs has a long history of working with lawmakers to help advance policies with big impacts on rural communities. We encourage you to get involved and make sure...
  • Farm and Food
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
​​​​​​​Have you seen the news? The Center for Rural Affairs is hosting a conference for veteran farmers.
  • Farm and Food
Late last week, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad vetoed a provision in a budget bill that would have eliminated the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. (We sent a letter to Iowa lawmakers that can...
  • Farm and Food
The new Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, has a big job ahead in running the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). One important opportunity he has is to bring greater fairness to contract...
  • Farm and Food
Bill Furlong, of Iowa City, Iowa, was awarded the Center for Rural Affairs’ 2016 Citizenship Award. He was recognized at an awards ceremony on March 10 in York, Neb. The Citizenship Award is given to...
  • Farm and Food
Accessing land is one of the greatest obstacles many prospective farmers and ranchers in Iowa face, and new research suggests some are missing out on a program that could help.
  • Farm and Food
Crop insurance is the current cornerstone of federal support for farms. As farmers and crop insurance customers, we support a strong farm safety net. But we also believe the crop insurance program can be improved.
  • Farm and Food
For farmers and ranchers, climate and weather are not “new trends” as much as they are experiences of day-to-day reality. There is quite a lot of data available on climate change and no lack of...
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy