Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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Founder of Seafood Ninja, in Sunrise, Florida, Adriana Sanchez says one of the reasons she loves the work is because it’s ultimately about people and supporting communities that are leading the way to make sure our oceans are a little healthier.
  • Farm and Food
Farm bill negotiations are in full swing in Washington D.C., laying the groundwork for rural and agriculture policy for years to come. We want to be sure your voice is heard during these negotiations.
  • Policy
Kaelyn Armstrong, una ávida amante del café, decidió que quería abrir un negocio propio. Con el apoyo de muchas de sus amigas enfermeras, combinó su amor por el café y su pasión por servir a los demás cuando abrió su cafetería móvil, Saved By The Well.
  • Lending
Kaelyn Armstrong, an avid coffee lover, decided she wanted to open a business of her own. With the encouragement of her many friends, she combined her love of coffee and passion to serve others when she opened her mobile coffee shop, Saved By The Well.
  • Lending
Nebraska has been bombarded with television commercials, radio ads, social media posts, and text messages about the petition drive to repeal LB 753, also known as the Opportunity Scholarships Act (OSA).
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Why should you sign the petition to repeal LB 753, the Opportunity Scholarship Act? Let's start by stating the intent language at the top of the referendum petition: "The object of this petition is to: Repeal LB 753, passed by the 108th Nebraska Legislature in 2023, which (1) authorizes certain nonprofit organizations to provide scholarships to eligible students to attend a qualified private elementary or secondary school, and (2) provides individuals and corporations tax credits for financial contributions to these organizations."
  • Policy
There’s a certain charm and nostalgia related to farmers markets in rural communities. The tradition of farmers, gardeners, artisans, and bakers bringing their wares to town to sell at the market has been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
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I wrote my first letter to a local government official at age 8, advocating for the installation of a stop sign at the end of my road for the safety of children (mostly, my sister and me) riding bicycles in the area. The county monitored traffic for several weeks, considered the data, and heeded my plea
  • Small Towns
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For the past six years, Matt and Emely Hendl have been honing their agricultural skills as a family of first-generation farmers. While they feel they’ve become experts in some areas, they keep an open mind when they have the opportunity to learn something new.
  • Farm and Food
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) has helped farmers and ranchers across the country achieve conservation goals on their operations for nearly two decades. At the Center for Rural Affairs, we have the privilege of working with many of these producers every day.
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Zulema Knievel greatly enjoys the sense of community and peace rural communities have to offer. Growing up, her parents always encouraged her to volunteer, making it clear how important it was to be active in our community.
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Nathan and Emily Paulsen have a passion for all things food and taking care of animals at their farm, Brun Ko Farms in Exira, Iowa. But the Paulsen's aren't in agriculture just for financial reasons; they also give back to surrounding communities by donating their time and produce.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
Una proyección financiera es una estimación del presupuesto de su negocio para al menos un año (dos años, idealmente) y sirve como parte de su plan de negocios. Al comparar sus finanzas reales con sus proyecciones, puede estar seguro de que su negocio avanza en la dirección correcta.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
A financial projection is an estimate of your business’s budget for at least a year (two years, ideally), and it serves as part of your business plan. By reviewing your actual financials against your projections, you can be sure your business is moving in the right direction.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
Even though Iowa’s climate only allows for a limited growing season, Tiffiny Clifton and Matt Johnson are confident they can sell locally grown food year round. They started their farm in July 2020, as a diverse, sustainable, and regenerative operation. The farm is transitional with the intention to be organic certified.
  • Small Towns
  • Farm and Food
Offering tax credits for scholarships to private schools has been a controversial issue in Nebraska. After tax-credit bills failed to pass in 2020 and 2021, this year the Opportunity Scholarships Act was signed into law.
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Con el sueño de abrir un negocio y el impulso de contribuir financieramente a su hogar, Cristina Hernández realizo su deseo al abrir Chilangos Mexican Pizza.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
With a dream to open a business and the drive to contribute financially to her household, Cristina Hernandez was finally able to make it a reality with Chilangos Mexican Pizza.
  • Lending
  • Small Towns
Fifty years ago, founders of the Center for Rural Affairs knew that if they wanted policy to work for rural Americans, they had to raise their voices and grow a grassroots community.
  • Policy
Growing up on my family’s 60-cow dairy farm in northeast Iowa shaped me into the person I am today. As a high school girl, my interest to stay invested in dairy was probably a bit out of the ordinary, but also complementary to my life experiences.
  • Small Towns
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