Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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A través del ejemplo de su madre, Cesia Madrigal Góngora y otros miembros de la familia están aprendiendo a luchar por sus sueños.
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Through her mother’s example, Cesia Madrigal Góngora and other family members are learning to fight for their dreams.
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We are in the 17th week of the Iowa state session, and the end appears to be in sight. This week, lawmakers are working to wrap up final business—including passing the state budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
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El desarrollo de pequeños negocios en el Centro inicio en 1990 y ha evolucionado con la adición del Centro de Negocios de Mujeres en 2001, luego un enfoque añadido hacia los negocios pequeños de los latinos.
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Small business development at the Center started in 1990 and has evolved with the addition of a Women’s Business Center in 2001, then an added focus on Latino small businesses.
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  • Small Towns
Angelyn Wang has lived in Omaha for the past six years and has gained insights into the importance of the role of rural people and communities.
  • Farm and Food
McLean Farms is in it's fourth generation of a cattle family and they have grown their business into a meat processing business with the addition of a store and restaurant.
  • Farm and Food
The Center for Rural Affairs’ farm and community-focused work was highlighted at this year’s Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society (NSAS) Conference in Aurora, Nebraska.
  • Farm and Food
Organic farmers want more time to get their corn crops in the ground and still be able to qualify for crop insurance. Right now, they are held to the same timelines as conventional farmers, which they say puts them at a disadvantage and could cost them their full insurance coverage.
  • Farm and Food
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We are in the 15th week of the Iowa state legislative session, and expect things to wrap up in the coming weeks. April 28 will be the 110th calendar day, when lawmakers’ per diem expenses end, though is it not unprecedented for the session to run beyond that date.
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Jim and Lisa French from Partridge, Kansas have dedicated their lives to community, healthy water, soil health, and conservation.
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Last week was an eventful one in the Nebraska Legislature. Debate on two controversial bills led to continued filibustering. With only 26 days remaining in the session, the Legislature is adopting a “Christmas tree” method of passing legislation this year, with parts of, or entire bills, being added as amendments to committee priority bills.
  • Small Towns
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Passed approximately every five years by Congress, the farm bill is a package of legislation covering many topics that affect rural communities. From conservation programs for farmers to healthy food...
  • Farm and Food
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Rural small businesses and agricultural producers looking to save money by reducing energy costs may be eligible for the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). With a boost in funding from the...
  • Farm and Food
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Deborah’s love for agriculture and desire for rural community preservation has brought her to the Center.
  • Small Towns
To advocate for programs that benefit rural communities, the Center for Rural Affairs recently shared funding recommendations with members of Congress for select U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)...
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Three years ago while working for a large corporation, Megan Vaith learned that finding crop insurance agents who specialize in organic operations was not easy. Looking to help two of her clients...
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Un plan de negocios solido es la fundación para un negocio exitoso. ¿Has revisado tu plan recientemente?
  • Lending
A solid business plan is the foundation for a thriving business. Have you reviewed yours lately?
  • Lending
Last week, full-day floor debate began, with some proceedings going late into the evening. A rule change was passed to limit how many motions could be filed a day in an attempt to slow filibuster tactics. With only 33 days left in the session and action needed to pass a state budget, the number of bills passed could be limited.
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