Niobrara Nebraska from nearby hill

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Los procesadores de carne independientes de Nebraska ahora tienen acceso a $10 millones en capital de préstamo a través del Center for Rural Affairs.
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Nebraska independent meat processors now have access to $10 million in loan capital through the Center for Rural Affairs.
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​​​​​​​The wind that steadily blows an open field of prairie grass in the Great Plains just as easily moves the blades of wind turbines. Buffalo Ridge, in the southwest corner of Minnesota, has benefited from the industry since the 1990s. The geography of the ridge creates a wind rich environment favorable to energy production and taxes from the industry provide revenue to the region.
  • Policy
The recently passed Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 paved the way for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to create more transparency and legitimacy around agriculture carbon markets...
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Fouad Mhadji Issa dice que la próxima gran novedad será la vainilla de Nebraska. Como la carne de res o el maíz dulce. Koponi Vanilla, su empresa en Grand Island, Nebraska, vende frijoles, pasta y extracto gourmet. Fouad está trabajando arduamente para hacer de Koponi un producto de primera calidad buscado por chefs y panaderos caseros en todo el país.
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Fouad Mhadji Issa says Nebraska vanilla will be the next big thing. Like beef. Or sweet corn. Koponi Vanilla, his business in Grand Island, Nebraska, sells gourmet beans, paste, and extract. Fouad is working hard to make Koponi a premium product sought after by chefs and home bakers nationwide.
  • Lending
The first week of the Nebraska legislative session saw the introduction of more than 200 new bills and resolutions. This week, senators will continue to introduce new bills ahead of the Jan. 18 deadline. Each bill introduced will be scheduled for a hearing in 1 of 14 standing committees.
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  • Farm and Food
The 2023 Iowa legislative session began Monday, and we are returning to provide updates from a rural perspective. This year’s session is expected to last 110 calendar days, ending in late April
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Today marks the first day of the 2023 South Dakota legislative session. The Center for Rural Affairs will be tracking policies that affect the rural quality of life and intersect with our goal of...
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Community-based and socially engaged art can help to build community, deepen understanding, and encourage empathy. I experienced this firsthand on a recent visit to the traveling virtual reality...
  • Small Towns
In 2017, local leaders in eastern Iowa came together with goals to improve water quality, reduce flooding, and protect their drinking water. Five years later, the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority (WMA) has drummed up engagement from hundreds of community members, and is well-positioned to implement future projects.
  • Policy
With feedback from agricultural producers in hand, Center for Rural Affairs Policy Associate Kalee Olson traveled to Washington, D.C., this fall as part of the 2022 National Sustainable Agriculture...
  • Farm and Food
We are returning to provide legislative updates from a rural perspective. The Nebraska Legislature convened its 2023 session today, Wednesday, Jan. 4. This will be a “long” session—legally mandated to be 90 working days—it is tentatively scheduled to adjourn on June 9.
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Just off the campus of Maharishi University in Fairfield, Iowa, sits a 1.1 megawatt (MW) solar farm. Beneath the panels, a flock of sheep and their newborn lambs are grazing, while beginning rancher...
  • Farm and Food
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Lawmakers in Iowa will debate a host of issues during the 2023 legislative session, including energy and water quality. Relevant developments concerning priority legislation will be shared via email. Visit or email for updates.
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Elected representatives in Nebraska will debate a host of issues during the 2023 legislative session, including appropriations, budget and tax, economic development, energy and environment, and family economic security.
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  • Farm and Food
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It's official! The first day of 2023 is here. We present our most viewed blog post of 2022, where author Nick Summers answers questions on three proposed carbon dioxide pipelines in the Midwest. This...
  • Policy
In our second highest viewed post of 2022, we feature our second business of our countdown. River Mill Coffee in Neligh, Nebraska, is run by two women who focus on creating an atmosphere in this rural...
  • Lending
Today, we share number three in our top five blog posts countdown, an informative piece for those who are looking to relocate to a rural area. Molly Malone writes about incentives available in...
  • Small Towns
The year in review countdown continues with a blog featuring a small meat processor who has helped advance our public policy. Coming in at number four is a blog on Kent Wiese, owner of Amend's Packing...
  • Small Towns