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For farmers across the country, the first months of a new year mean thinking about planting their next crop. For many, it also means thinking ahead to the deadline to sign up for federal crop insurance.
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The growing popularity of food trucks has led states across the country to modernize laws governing the industry.
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We’re about a month into the 2023 Iowa legislative session. Lawmakers have continued to stay busy with bill introductions, committee and subcommittee meetings, and debates.
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Nebraska state senators were busy with all-day committee hearings last week and will continue that schedule this week. Two of the bills the Center for Rural Affairs is monitoring—Legislative Bills (LB) 321 and 515—had hearings last week.
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Today is Day 19 of South Dakota’s 38-day legislative session, which will conclude March 27. The last day for bill introduction was Feb. 2. Bills must pass out of their house of origin by Feb. 22, which is known as Crossover Day.
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Producers are facing a dire need to increase production in the current market. More are also looking for ways to engage in conservation. Relay cropping may provide the solution for both of these issues.
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​​​​​​​If you live in Minnesota, you’ve likely seen that the bill to speed up the transition to carbon-free electricity is a Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) party priority and is rapidly moving through the Legislature. House File 7/Senate File 4, better known as the 100% clean energy bill, would accelerate the transition to 100% carbon-free emissions electricity by 10 years to 2040.
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A desire to help feed the hungry and care for the planet led Peter David to explore the world of agriculture. Implementing conservation practices helps him work toward those goals. Before emigrating...
  • Farm and Food
If you now of a farmer or rancher who has served our country in the military, now is the time to nominate them for an award a the 56th Annual Triumph of Ag Expo in Omaha.
  • Farm and Food
Al establecer metas para su negocio, ¿ha pensado en el acceso al capital y al crédito? ¿Ha luchado año tras año preparándose para su cita de impuestos? Pensar en esta información ahora lo ayudará a prepararse tanto para la próxima temporada de impuestos como para las posibles oportunidades de préstamo que su empresa pueda necesitar.
  • Lending
As you set goals for your business, have you thought about access to capital and credit? Have you struggled year after year preparing for your tax appointment? Thinking about these items now will help you prepare for both the upcoming tax season and potential borrowing opportunities your business may need.
  • Lending
An inquisitive mind is the first step to learning something new. For Katie Bettin, that curiosity has guided her throughout her pursuit of urban farming. With the knowledge she’s acquired, she hopes...
  • Farm and Food
Last week marked the end of bill introduction in the Nebraska Legislature. Senators introduced 812 new bills and 31 resolutions during the 10-day period. Committee hearings begin this week. Each bill...
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Today is Day 10 of South Dakota’s 38-day legislative session, which will conclude March 27. All bills need to be introduced by Feb. 2 (Legislative Day 16) and must pass out of both houses by March 6...
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We’re in the third week of Iowa’s legislative session. Lawmakers have been busy introducing legislation—a few hundred bills to date—with more expected to come.
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Ellsworth Crossing, con sede en Waterloo, Nebraska, le da clientes la opción de comprar productos directamente de los rancheros y agricultores de Nebraska a través de su tienda o sitio web.
  • Farm and Food
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Ellsworth Crossing, based out of Waterloo, Nebraska, gives customers the option of buying products directly from Nebraska farmers through their storefront or online.
  • Farm and Food
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School scholarships have been a hot topic of discussion in the Iowa Legislature so far this session with Gov. Kim Reynolds’ introduction of the Students First Act. As part of the Students First Act...
  • Lending
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The Center for Rural Affairs wants the Iowa Legislature to prioritize water quality and renewable energy in the new session. One priority is more funding for the 27 Watershed Management Authorities in Iowa.
  • Policy
The deadline is quickly approaching for farmers and ranchers to fill out the 2022 Census of Agriculture. Every five years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts the census to capture information on our nation’s farms, ranches, and the people who operate them.
  • Farm and Food