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What's happening with the Center for Rural Affairs? Find the latest on rural America and our work here.

The targeted investments of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have real-world impacts that are hard to ignore. Since its passage in August 2022, the IRA has been quietly bringing tangible benefits to...
  • Policy
Iowa lawmakers kicked off the 91st General Assembly last week and are now in week two. Full session hustle and bustle is underway, with more than 200 bills introduced last week and many more yet to...
  • Policy
Today, a familiar but new administration is being sworn into office. The change in the presidency and shift of power in Congress have the potential to profoundly impact rural America. The details of...
  • Small Towns
  • Policy
Minnesota’s 94th legislative session officially kicked off on Jan. 14 and will run through May 19. The Center for Rural Affairs will be tracking policies that affect the rural quality of life and...
  • Policy
The 109th Nebraska Legislature convened on Wednesday, Jan. 8, and is tentatively scheduled to adjourn on June 9. The first days of the session saw 17 new senators sworn in, committee assignments...
  • Policy
El crédito es una herramienta que le permite pedir dinero prestado o acceder a bienes y servicios con la certeza de que los pagará más adelante. Es un componente importante de las finanzas personales y empresariales, ya que permite realizar compras importantes, como viviendas o vehículos, o permitir que los pequeños negocios inviertan en su crecimiento.
  • Lending
Credit is a tool that allows you to borrow money or access goods and services with the understanding that you’ll pay for them later. It is an important component of personal and business finances, enabling large purchases like homes or vehicles, or allowing small businesses to invest in their growth.
  • Lending
From intern to manager, Dongwen Wang has built her career at the Center for Rural Affairs. In 2009, Dongwen made the journey from her home in China to the U.S. to study accounting at the University of...
  • Small Towns
Shahab Bashar leads a quiet life as a farmer in Lincoln, Nebraska, but the road getting there has been paved with challenges. Born and raised in northern Iraq, Shahab had his first taste of...
  • Farm and Food
Nebraska native Amy Thelander was born rural, raised rural, and plans to spend the rest of her life in rural America. Amy grew up in Cozad, went to Kearney State College (before it was the University...
  • Small Towns
Rural communities are seeing a boom in renewable energy development. Whether it’s wind energy or solar energy, communities reap the benefits from increased tax revenues, new job creation, and local...
  • Policy
Cuando Ernesto Estrada Márquez llegó a los Estados Unidos en 2001, no tenía pensado convertirse en propietario de un restaurante. Sin embargo, después de llegar a Chicago, aceptó trabajos en la industria alimentaria y descubrió que lo disfrutaba mucho.
  • Lending
When Ernesto Estrada Marquez came to the U.S. in 2001, he didn’t plan on eventually owning a restaurant. But he took jobs in the food industry after arriving in Chicago, and he discovered he enjoyed it immensely.
  • Lending
The 2025 Iowa legislative session will begin Monday, Jan. 13. This year’s session is anticipated to last 110 calendar days, ending in early May. Throughout the session, Center for Rural Affairs staff...
  • Policy
The 100th South Dakota legislative session will open on Jan. 14 and will run for 38 legislative days. The Center for Rural Affairs will track policies that affect the rural quality of life and...
  • Policy
A new funding opportunity offers rural communities in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and adjoining Indigenous Nations a chance to access funding to address local health and environmental priorities...
  • Small Towns
Dale Tuttle is honoring his passion for conservation while helping a young, beginning farmer near Winterset, Iowa. As one of the first in his neighborhood to implement cover crops and no-till narrow...
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
Elected representatives in Nebraska and Iowa will debate a host of issues during the 2025 legislative session, including rural food access, budget and taxes, agriculture and conservation, energy and environment, and community well-being.
  • Policy
The last day of 2024 is here. We present our most viewed blog post of the year, where we highlight Greg Birkhofer, an Iowan with a passion for conservation. He has figured out a way to recycle wind...
  • Farm and Food
  • Policy
In our second highest viewed post of 2024, we feature a story from northeast Nebraska. Throughout this year, we have highlighted business owners across the state who have worked with our lending staff...
  • Lending
  • Small Towns